Chapter 2

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"C'mon, Ash, stop," Luke whined as Ashton wrapped his arms around the taller man and bent down to kiss up the length of his neck. Luke could feel Ashton's hard cock pressing between the cleft of his ass and as much as he tried not to, Luke couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips. "the guys are going to be here literally any minute." Luke tried to wriggle out of Ashton's grasp, but to no avail. Ashton pressed himself harder against Luke's back and the younger man's eyes rolled back at the pleasure.

Michael and Calum were supposed to be coming over to their apartment for dinner and some pre-club drinks since it was a Friday night, and the last thing Luke needed was for his best mates to walk in on him and Ashton in a position that would be seriously hard to explain away.

"But I'm horny." Ashton pouted, beginning to suck on the base of Luke's neck. "Please, Lu? It'll be quick, I swear." Luke felt his tough resolve fading as Ashton sucked on his neck, his tongue soothing the bruised skin.

"You're not capable of being quick, Ash." Luke quipped as he finally got free of Ashton's teasing restraint and walked into his bathroom to look in the vanity mirror over the sink.

"Are you serious?" Luke whined as he stared at the red patch that was glowing against the otherwise translucent skin. "Mike and Cal are on their way over! How am I supposed to explain THIS?" Luke groaned as he jabbed at the dark red spot, and rolled his eyes as he looked up to see Ashton's smirk through the mirror. "I'm serious, Ash. You know they're going to ask about how this happened."

"So? Just tell them you went out and brought a girl home last night." Ashton placed his hands on Luke's hips and pressed his back against the younger man. "and if you want to make it seem really realistic, I could fuck you from behind and leave some scratch marks down your back?" Ashton wiggled his eyebrows cheekily as he nipped at Luke's earlobe and the blonde groaned once more as he felt his dick tightening in his skin-tight jeans. Just as Luke felt his resolve slip away and he leaned back into Ashton's body, the door opened and Michael's loud voice rang through their home.

"Luke? Ash? Stop jerking each other off and come greet your guests!"

Luke couldn't help the blush that raised on his cheeks at just how un-knowingly close Mike was to the truth.

"For fucks sake." Ashton groaned as he dropped his head down on to Luke's shoulder. "This isn't over." He said with authority as he locked eyes with Luke through the mirror. "I'll go first. You fix yourself up and meet us out there in a few minutes." Ashton brushed Luke's long hair off to the side and kissed at the nape of his neck before straightening up and stalking out of the room.

Luke could feel the blood pounding through his veins from the close call of almost getting caught and the feeling of Ashton's cool lips against his neck.

Luke listened on as he heard Ashton greet their friends enthusiastically, and he could picture the older boy smiling goofily as he embraced their bandmates in a large bear hug. Luke was always so amazed at the way that Ashton could switch from horny and dominant to silly and laid back in a matter of seconds when it took Luke two hours and a cold shower just to lose his erection.

Luke took his time splashing some cold water on his face and readjusting his semi-hard dick in his pants before leaving the bathroom. He ran his hands through his hair as he walked, pushing it back and away from his forehead. Maybe if he mussed up his curls enough he could make it pass for bed head? After all, he was flushed and delirious enough for it to seem realistic that he had just woken from a nap. As Luke turned the corner into the living room, he was immediately greeted with the sight of his three bandmates sitting around the sectional with beers clutched in their hands. They were laughing over some joke Ashton was in the middle of telling.

"Hey," Luke said, pretending to stretch. "Sorry, took a nap, what'd I miss?" Michael and Calum each stood up, fist-bumping and hugging Luke before he took a seat next to Calum on one of the couches.

"Dude, a nap? You sleep till noon each day, how could you possibly be tired enough to nap?" Michael asked incredulously as he took another swig from his bottle, his bracelets pushing up his wrist as he did so. Luke had always been a shitty liar, he knew that, but before he even had the chance to come up with some sort of decent excuse, he heard Calum gasp before a hand reached out and tugged down Luke's shirt collar to expose his hickey-covered collarbones.

"Jesus Christ!" Calum said with a laugh, pretending to closely examine the marks as Luke's eyes widened in panic. The only thing running through Luke's head was a mantra of Don'tlookatAshtonDon'tlookatAshtonDon't-

He knew this was bound to happen, damn Ashton for being a territorial asshole. He knew it was a major kink of Ashton's, but sometimes he was so reckless with it and Luke was terrified he was going to get them caught. He was definitely not ready for that to happen any time soon.

"He must be exhausted, looks like Luke got laid!" Calum patted him on the back proudly as he finished off the last of his own bottle. "Good for you mate, it's about time. But what did she do, try and eat you or something? Calum joked as he poked at the large expanse of bruises and bite marks that littered Luke's skin. Luke couldn't help but blush as the image of Ashton the previous night, his face buried deep between Luke's ass cheeks, sprang to his mind.

"Yeah," Luke chuckled, readjusting his shirt to hide the collection of love bites. He chanced a glance over to Ashton to see the drummer smirking like a boy who'd just discovered Pornhub. "Something like that." 


A/N: lmao here's chapter 2 cuz I honestly have no self control! 

Also I know this is short but that's kinda my intention to make every chapter relatively short, the full smut ones might be a bit longer though. 

love you all, stay thirsty my lil lashton hoes <3


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