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this is for a character so woo

I was once convinced-

that I was going to be the hero

but along the two-lane road

I found otherwise

I regret the lives I didn’t save

the words that weren’t spoken

the things I should’ve leapt for

the lies I shouldn’t have told

I regret not protecting them

the lights dying in their eyes

the lost ghosts surrounding us

the love I had destroyed by death

I regret the demons I never exorcised

the angels who tried to save me that were ignored

the way I became a twisted, lonely soul

in an empty, abandoned vessel

I regret becoming the thing I hated

the people I let fade from my life

the ones I let go when I should’ve held tighter

the way I make the wrong decisions at the wrong times

I regret watching the color in my eyes fade

the green hues falling into black and evil

the reflection looking back at me in the mirror

the person who has long since killed the young hero.

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