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it took everything in me not to fall asleep in class today.

i literally got, like, two hours of sleep last night. even in those two hours, i distinctly remember seeing nothing but darkness and two glowing red eyes staring at me the whole time. it was so weird. i've had scarier dreams, but that was just different.

on top of being tired, i've also had to deal with the awkward tension between all of us. haechan was still mad at jeno, jaemin was mad at haechan, jeno was really upset and renjun, chenle, mark and jisung were just confused.

and i was the center of it all.

i haven't really seen jeno all that much today, and i didn't know if i should be upset or grateful for that.

i guess i shouldn't speak so soon, though because as soon as i shut my locker door, he was standing right in front of me.

"oh. hey." i mumbled, holding my book closer to my chest. i couldn't look him directly in the eye.

"hey, y/n." he smiled a little, but it wasn't like his normal smiles. "i just wanted to, uh," he paused, glancing down at the floor and then back up to me. "...apologize. i really didn't know you felt that way about me-"

"it's alright jeno, really." i stopped him there, trying to avoid a potentially even more awkward situation. "it's just a stupid crush." i laughed a little. "i'm happy for you and mina."

he raised an eyebrow. "really? haechan said i really upset you, and i feel so bad. i'm so, so sorry."

i shook my head, assuring him that it was all okay. sometimes i'm really good at lying.

"i was upset at first, but i was being selfish. it's okay, really."

he smiled again, but this time it looked a bit more genuine.

"we're still friends, right?" he asked, a hopeful glint in his eye.

i nodded. "of course."

dream catcher | jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now