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jaemin's pov

it's crazy how easy it is to sneak into a hospital.

the kind nurse let me right in when i told her that i "forgot my charger" in y/n's room. she was out with chenle and jisung. i think they were going roller skating or something like that.

i flipped on the light switch as my eyes scanned the room, looking for a good place to hide the small necklace that was now deep in my pocket.

it wasn't just an ordinary necklace, though. it was a dream catcher necklace.

i didn't know for sure if this would work or not, but hopefully if i stuck the necklace somewhere in her room, it would work just like renjun's dream catcher did. i wanted to get an actual dream catcher, but this was all i could find.

i know it sounds crazy, but i'll try anything to make sure she gets some peaceful sleep.

i've witnessed her waking up crying, i've stayed up with her until nearly 4am, i watched her heart break when she found out that the boy she likes has a girlfriend, and i was just about sick of it all. i wanted her to be happy.

in her pillow?

no, they probably change those...

after taking a longer time than i intended to to find a good spot to stick the necklace, i finally decided on putting it in the back corner of one of her dresser drawers, under a shirt i know she doesn't wear that often.

and then i left the building, silently praying that this would work.

dream catcher | jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now