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i'm finally home.

in my own bed, with my own blankets, my tv and all my stuffed animals.

the original dream catcher still hung above my bed, and i decided to keep it there for "double protection."

"i still don't understand why in the world you were having those dreams." mom said to me as i set the last box of my clothes on the floor, her arms crossed.

i shrugged. "i don't know. but i'm fine now, and that's all that matters."

she nodded in agreement, and then gave me a big hug as she told me how happy she was that i was finally back home again.

but i was most excited about sleeping in my own bed without having to worry about what i'm going to dream about.

at that moment, my phone went off, and i stepped away from mom to answer it. it was jaemin.

"hey, what's up?"

"not much. are you unpacked yet?"

his voice had a slight tint of gaiety in it.

"almost. why?"

"oh, well do you think you could meet me at the park soon?"

"hold on, let me ask my mom."

i pulled the phone away from my ear and asked permission to go to the park with jaemin, to which she nodded without hesitation.

"yeah i can."

"okay, good. meet me there in ten minutes."

at that, the call ended, and i grabbed my sweater and a pair of shoes. it took about seven to ten minutes to get there on foot, so i thought i should probably leave as soon as possible. i bid my mom goodbye and headed out the door.

it was a bit chilly outside, so i'm glad i brought my sweater. nevertheless, that didn't distract me from wondering why jaemin wanted to meet me at the park.

the walk felt shorter than it normally did, and before long, i was approaching a bench under a tree where jaemin sat, patiently waiting for me.

he looked up from his phone and smiled at me, yet i could still tell that his smile was laced with something along the lines of nervousness.

"what's up?" i spoke first, taking a seat next to him. the wind was blowing just hard enough so that the leaves on the tree above us continued to fall in my hair and on my shoulders. it was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

"i just have to get something off my chest." he said. "and i'd rather tell you in person."

"oh... yeah. me too." i admitted, and suddenly the atmosphere fell heavy with tension and awkwardness.

am i really going to confess now? what if he's confessing too?

"uhm..." he chuckled, "i don't want this to be awkward. i also don't want to lose my closest friend. it's cool if you don't feel the same, but uh..."

he was quiet for a moment as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip. i braced myself for what was going to come next, even though i had a good feeling i knew what it was.

"i like you... a lot. and i have for a long time, and uh..."

i smiled.

it was easy to tell that he was incredibly nervous, so to take some of the weight off his shoulders, i blurted out; "jaemin, i like you, too."

his eyes widened a bit as he looked at me. "wait, really?"

"yeah, i was gonna tell you..." i let out a nervous laugh as i played with my thumbs.

"i didn't think you'd ever like me back." he admitted. i quickly shook my head.

"how could i not, jaemin? you're literally the most kind, handsome boy i've ever known. yeah, i did like jeno, but you and i have a bond that could never come close to anything jeno and i would have."

"aw, y/n," he chuckled, taking my hand in his. "i was supposed to be the cheesy one."

it's weird. normally i wouldn't mind skinship with him, because he's always been an affectionate person and i've been used to it for a long time, but this time it felt different. holding his hand made me a bit nervous.

"so.." he continued, regaining his confidence. "what are we then?"

i shrugged. "i can be your girlfriend if you want me to."

a laugh escaped his lips as he lightly squeezed my hand, and i chuckled.

"i'd like that very much, actually." jaemin stated.

"me too."

"so, what do you say? will you be my girlfriend?" he asked with so much sudden confidence, i swore my heart was going to melt.

after i accepted, it became official. na jaemin and i were boyfriend and girlfriend.

"wait, so," i smirked, crossing my arms over my chest. "when you said you've liked me for a long time, how long is a long time?"

his cheeks became red as i laughed and told him to tell me the honest truth.

"since, like, third grade." he answered, a bit embarrassed.

my eyes widened in amusement. "really? i've friend-zoned you for that lo-"

i was going to continue picking on him, but suddenly i was unable to talk anymore as his lips collided with mine.

it was an extremely brief kiss, but enough to knock the wind out of me.

this certainly wasn't how i expected this to go.

"well that was fast. we've only been dating for two seconds and you already can't keep off of me." i joked after he pulled away. i was still smiling, while his cheeks were now the same color as his hair.

"sorry, i had to shut you up somehow before you embarrassed me even more."

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