Chapter 2: Rehearsal Time, Abby and Spencer vs Minister Dawn

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"All right, the group routine that we're gonna start with is a musical theater routine called The Greatest Show." Spencer told the girls, then once Gianna started teaching them the moves, the girls began to do the moves, Vivi was in another studio room in a tap class.

"Girls, what is going on? Your legs are about as straight as Elton John and Ellen Degeneres combined!" Abby said.

"Watch that left elbow!" Spencer added.

"What do you think of the pyramid?" Kelly asked the other moms.

"I don't know, it's like a bermuda triangle." Christi said.

"Somebody is at the top, somebody is at the bottom. It's divisive. No other teacher would do that in classrooms, like the star pupil is at the top and the others are either in the middle or on the bottom." Holly stated.

"No." Melissa and Hollie both commented.

"Is there any surprise who's at the top?" Kelly asked them.

"I'd be shocked if it had been someone else at the top, that would have been surprising." Holly admitted.

"But i'll admit though, not only does Maddie look up to Abby, but she looks up to Spencer as well." Christi said.

"Maddie learned a lot from Spencer," Melissa commented.

"And so have our girls." Hollie said.

Back down in Studio A, Nia, Brooke, Mackenzie and Brookie all headed to the dancer's den as Maddie, Chloe and Paige stayed to rehearse their trio called The Midas Touch and the routine rehearsal started.

"Paige, you've got to be sharper, you are a beautiful talented girl, we know you can do better than this!" Spencer shouted. "Shoulders, legs straight, feet pointed, resume!"

"Paige, you have a sloppy foot! you are right in the middle of the stage!" Abby yelled and then the rehearsal for the trio was done.

"Paige, can you come here please?" Spencer called as Paige approached him and Abby. "We'd have your head on a platter, yes? Do you get the memo?"

Paige nodded.

"All right, get back out there." Vince said, then a few minutes later, the moms were just sitting at upstairs and they heard some sobs coming from Studio A and they came from Paige and with her were Chloe and Maddie.

"Don't cry, Paigey." Kelly said. "What's wrong?"

"Spencer was yelling at me." Paige sobbed.

"Hey, don't worry about it. he might be tough like Abby, but deep down inside, he has a big heart and even Abby does too."

A day later, Abby and Vince were watching some more of the group rehearsal that Gianna was leading.

"Be sure to turn your feet out." Spencer instructed.

At the front desk, a lady with short hair was seen walking into the studio wearing a black leather jacket, white pants and a gold shirt and from the way she was walking, she was not a happy camper for some reason. The woman's name was Dawn Check, who is a minister and she has a daughter named Regan, who dances for Abby.

"Can i talk to the two of you for a minute?" Dawn asked Abby and Spencer in a polite tone.

"Ma'am, we are in the middle of a rehearsal. We'll talk to you when we are finished" Spencer said.

"I paid for class and you don't throw my daughter out of class, she was dressed appropriately!" Dawn stated.

"Regan needed to be in tights, leotard and in her bare feet when it comes to acro. Whenever my son did acro, he wore a tank top, shorts and he was also in his bare feet and Regan wasn't dressed appropriately. She was wearing socks and a t-shirt and that wasn't required and like i just said, she needed to be in her bare feet, tights and a leotard." Abby retorted.

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