Chapter 7: Preparing for the Showcase and Showtime at the Showcase

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Four weeks had passed and even though they didn't travel to any competitions, the girls were still in class and the day was May 22nd and at a restaurant named Dunkin Donuts on Lawrence Avenue, Christi was sitting at a booth because she called Abby and Spencer to talk about what happened at the competition and Vivi was with Melissa, Maddie and Mackenzie.

"Hello, Christi. You wanted to see us?" Abby wondered as she and Spencer sat down at a booth to talk to Christi.

"Yes i do." Christi responded. "Abby, Spencer, the reason i came here was to attempt to make amends with the both of you for what happened at the competition."

Spencer pulled out something and it was a file with a paper, which is a contract.

"We cannot let you in the studio on without this contract being signed." Spencer said seriously. "You've got to sign this and we need to get back to the studio."

"Abby, Spencer, i will admit, i was out of line the way i was behaving in that dressing room and i'm willing to take full responsibility and say that i'm sorry for that and also, Spence, i'm very sorry for overshadowing your special moment for your mother." Christi admitted.

"For that, apology accepted." Spencer said.

"But however, i do not feel where my feelings were coming from were wrong, which are based on things that has happened to me and my daughter for the last year, two years to be exact."

"Christi, if you were not happy with the education we were giving your daughter, then there's the door." Abby rebutted to Christi.

"I should have left when i had the chance." Christi said.

"Here's the thing, should you choose to leave, Chloe won't be a national title winner, Chloe would be..." Abby then whispered the last word. "Nothing."

"What she said. Look at that contract and think about it."

"Spencer, your mother is dumb for having people leave your studio left and right." Christi stated.

"We're out of here." Spencer fumed as he got up to leave as he muttered under his breath.

"I'm right behind you, Spence." Abby said as she followed her son and as they left, Christi looked at the contract and thought about it, then as Abby and Spencer left the parking lot, she signed it and was going to hand it to them the next day.

The next day at the studio, the girls were all sitting down on the floor waiting to hear what was going to happen this week and even Vivi was sitting with them because Abby told her that she was needed for the recital as the moms stood in their normal spots.

"Girls, let's talk about the weekend that occured four weeks ago." Abby began. "I am not very happy, everyone of you could have done better in your solos, Moving on,we want to forget about that weekend because do you know what's going to happend this upcoming weekend?"

Paige raised her hand. "The ALDC showcase."

"Thank you, yes." Spencer commented, then he turned the chalkboard around that showed the pyramid. The bottom pyramid had Mackenzie, Brookie, Paige and Chloe, the middle had Nia and Brooke and the top had Maddie and next to her photo was a headshot of Spencer.

"We will be doing a new group number called Live It Up at the showcase." Abby informed, then she told the girls about how they did with their solos, then she started to talk about Spencer's solo. "Spencer, your surprise solo for me knocked it out of the park, there wasn't a dry eye in the audience."

Everyone applauded as he modestly smiled.

"Who knows what my brother will have up his sleeve next?" Vivi said.

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