Chapter 4: Spicing Things up a bit

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Two days later at the studio in Studio A, Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke, Paige, Chloe and Brookie were sitting down as Melissa, Holly, Kelly, Christi and Hollie stood nearby. Abby and Spencer stood at the chalkboard and the pyramid had Maddie at the top like last week, Chloe and Paige in the middle, Brooke, Nia, Mackenzie and Brookie at the bottom and Vivi like normal, was in tap class, since Abby had adopted her, she told Vivi that whenever she was needed, she'll join the group only when needed and Vivi agreed and through those two years being a part of the Miller family, Vivi became a good dancer after learning from her mother and brother.

"All right, this past weekend in Phoenix didn't go over well as we thought it would, you all got your behinds kicked. Here in Chicago, you've won everything. but when it comes to traveling to other cities by bus or plane, it's a different story." Spencer told the girls.

"For years, it was just me and the kids heading to competitions, I always made sure that their hair, makeup and hairpiece was just right." Abby said. "Nowadays, the mothers want to go now, because they're revisiting their childhoods through all of you and that's where trouble begins. I'm the leader and you do what i say and there's conflict when your mothers telling you something else to do, do you got that?"

"Nia, how do you think we did in Phoenix?" Spencer asked Nia.

"We could have improved." Nia responded. "I need to improve on pointing my feet."

"Yeah, the feet, arms, shoulders, legs needed tuning and mistakes like those pull the group down." Abby stated, then she turned to Chloe. "Chloe, the headpiece needed to stay up and instead it fell down."

"That's my fault, Miss Abby. I could have prevented that." Chloe admitted. "Next time, i'll make sure it stays on."

"Good." Abby said. "Ok, the new group routine will be called Lightning and Maddie, since you were fantastic this weekend, you and your mother didn't give me or Spencer any trouble, you'll be front and center for the group, We have two solos too, Maddie, you'll be doing one of the solos and the name of that routine is Let's Get Loud and Chloe will do the other solo, which is named I Found You."

"And before we start rehearsals, we'll be heading to Grayslake to compete at StarQuest and Grayslake is an hour and six minutes from here." Spencer informed. "Let's start this routine, moms, you are dismissed, thank you."

The girls got up from sitting down as Melissa, Christi, Kelly, Holly and Hollie all left Studio A and headed to the benches.

"I wonder what Abby and her son have up their sleeves for this upcoming competition in Grayslake?" Christi asked.

"With those two, who knows?" Kelly said as they watched the rehearsals.

The next day at the studio, it was costume fitting which meant that the girls were going to try on the costume for the group dance

"Nia, can you come in?" Abby called as the moms were all wondering how the costumes were going to look, then Nia walked in to Studio B and she was decked out in Purple shiny booty shorts and a purple shiny top piece with sequins in them.

"I have a question, where is the rest of her costume?" Holly asked.

"This is the costume, sometimes you have to spice things up a bit." Spencer answered and the fitting for Nia was done. "Can you send the next girl in?"

"Ok." Nia said as she left Studio B.

"You know, we have to wear stuff like this," Kelly whispered to the other moms. "Remember at the second to last competition of the season? Many studios had costumes just like this."

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