Chapter 5: Hip Problems

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Three days later at the studio,Vivi was at the front desk with one of the faculty members, the girls were rehearsing their group number and even Brookie and Mackenzie were going to be in it and the dance was an acro routine with Abby watching Spencer and Gianna teaching the girls the moves that they needed to do as the moms watched.

"This is an acro routine and that's Brooke's thing." Kelly said to the other moms.

"Yes it is." Hollie agreed.

"In my opinion, Brooke should be the one that is front and center."

"Maddie isn't front and center in this routine because she is in the second row." Melissa told Kelly.

"I know, but Maddie is at the top of the pyramid." Kelly responded.

"I guarantee that it has nothing to do with the acro dance." Melissa assured.

"But we know Abby and her son have their bag of tricks." Christi commented.

"That they do." Holly said.

"I'm going to head downstairs, wish me luck." Kelly said and the moms wished her good luck as she got up from sitting down and approached the door. "Abby, Chase, forgive me for interrupting rehearsal, but can i talk to you two for a quick second?"

"Girls, take five." Abby said as she and Spencer headed into Studio B to talk with Kelly.

"There is something i want to know, why isn't Brooke at the top of the pyramid for this week of an acro routine?" Kelly asked.

"It is because she is miserable and always brooding and that isn't the Brooke that we know." Abby told Kelly.

"We know that Brooke is going through Junior High that all pre-teens and 13 year olds go through and Brooke is one of the amazing acrobatic dancers in the studio and we do not want her to lose that or give that up." Spencer said.

"Abby, Spencer , she is on the bottom of the pyramid!" Kelly griped. "You mean to tell us that Chloe is above her on the pyramid when it comes to gymnastics?! Brooke has gone onstage and pulled it off!"

Abby and Spencer both looked at each other and rolled their eyes and both chuckled.

"Mom, maybe we should look at the video of Brooke tap dancing." Spencer suggested to Abby.

"Sounds like a good idea." Abby stated.

"She isn't a tapper. The Brooke that you know now is a teenager and is changing."

"When my son turned 13, he never lost sight of dance. He kept on going. You've got to nip that in the bud, because it's obvious you don't want her to change." Abby commented.

"Brooke wants to do things a teenager does."

"I did teenage things whenever i had the chance, but Dance was and is my heart, that's why i worked on my dancing to improve, Kelly."

"Spencer indeed was a hard working dancer in my studio, not because he's my son, it's because he loves to dance. We have seen the changes that Brooke is going through and it saddens not only me, but my son too because we've seen it before." Abby said.

"What do you two expect me to do, force Brooke to come to class?"

"Yeah." Spencer commented.

"I bet your mother forced you to come to class when you were 13." Kelly said to Spencer.

"Kelly, i never forced him to come to dance class when he was 13, he came at his own will! We know you are really happy with your life, you've got a great house, a wonderful family, but Kelly, think about what could have and what should have been when you were my student!" Abby stated.

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