Chapter 9: Day after graduation, Abby's surprise for Spencer

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The next morning at Abby's house, Spencer was in his bedroom sleep as the time was 8:30 am and that was his first day of his post-school life and then he woke up and stretched. then standing at the right of his bed was Abby and Vivi, who were smiling at him.

"Good morning, my graduate." Abby said to Spencer.

"Morning, bro." Vivi added.

"Good morning to you too, mom and you too Vivi." Spencer responded as he hugged his mother and sister. "We had a fun night last night at my graduation party on the Spirit Of Chicago cruise."

"We sure did." Vivi commented.

"Would you like to go out for breakfast?" Abby asked.

"Sure thing." Spencer responded, then he got up and made his bed. When he did that, he headed to the closet to see what he would wear, he chose an Adidas Tanktop, Adisage sandals and Adidas trackpants. Spencer walked to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, took a shower and put his hair in a ponytail. "Ready to roll when you are."

"But before we go, mom has a surprise for you." Vivi told him

"What do you have up your sleeve, mother dear?" Spencer asked Abby.

"You'll find out, but first, i'll put this blindfold on you and when i give the signal, remove the blindfold and you'll see your surprise." Abby said.

"All righty." Spencer stated

Abby pulled out a blindfold and covered his eyes, then she took his hand and Vivi took his other hand, they guided him from his bedroom down to the stairs, they were now in the foyer as Spencer was wondering what his mother had up her sleeve, then they were outside in the driveway.

"All right, you can remove your blindfold." Abby told him

Spencer then lifted up the blindfold, then his eyes went wide at what was in the driveway, it was a shiny silver Chevrolet Express 3500 Van that sat up to 15 passengers with a red bow on the hood of the vehicle which said "From: Mom, To my high school graduate: Spencer" and the vehicle had a SiriusXM radio with doors on both sides.

"What do you think? It's a graduation gift from me to you."

"Cool, huh?" Vivi wondered.

Spencer had a huge smile on his face, he had his own vehicle and he turned to Abby.

"I love it, mom! Thank you so much!" Spencer exclaimed as he hugged Abby, who hugged him back.

"You're welcome, honey." Abby said to her son, then she pulled out the keys to the Chevrolet Express 3500 Van and put it in his hand, he gave her another hug as Vivi smiled at the moment. "Let's roll in your new vehicle."

Spencer then went to the vehicle door that leads to the front and middle seat and let his mother and sister get in first with Abby at the front seat and Vivi at the middle seat behind the driver's seat, then he headed to the vehicle door that led to the driver's seat and once he got in, he put the key in the igniition and turned it, which made the vehicle's engine come to life, then he started driving.

Twelve minutes later, they arrived at IHOP on Harlem And Forest Preserve Drive and Spencer carefully parked his new SUV in a parking spot that was close to the entrance. They got out of the vehicle and saw that Maddie, Mackenzie and Melissa were there too.

"Hello, there."

"Hi, Abs. Hi, Spence." Melissa greeted.

"Hi, Vivi." Mackenzie and Maddie both said as they hugged.

"Hi, Kenzie. Hello, Maddie." Vivi responded.

"Nice looking Van." Maddie complimented to Spencer.

"Thanks, Mads." Spencer said.

"Is that really yours?" Mackenzie wondered. "If so, that's a cool van."

"It is, Kenzie." Spencer responded, then the Millers and the Zieglers all walked into IHOP, they got a booth near the window and Maddie sat with Abby and Spencer as Melissa, Vivi and Mackenzie sat on the other side of the booth, the waiter came up to take their orders.

"I'd like the Original Short Stack Buttermilk Pancakes." Abby stated.

"I'd like to have the 2 x 2 x 2, please." Melissa commented.

"The Belgian Waffle combo, please." Spencer said.

"I'll have the Silver 5." Maddie stated.

"I'll have what my sister is having." Mackenzie said,

"And i'll have what my brother is having." Vivi added, then the waiter took down their order and minutes later, their food came and they began eating.

"We had a great time last night on the Spirit of Chicago cruise celebrating your graduation, Spence." Melissa told Spencer.

"Yes, we did and the food was fantastic."

"It was." Abby agreed. "Spencer, who do you think will win the Stanley Cup between the Vancouver Canucks and the Boston Bruins."

"I hope the Canucks don't win the Stanley Cup, because i would be real sore since they were the team that beat our Blackhawks in the first round, so i'm picking the Bruins in 7."

"I don't blame you there, Greg is a huge Blackhawks fan and he told me he'd be real sore too if they win the Stanley Cup. He also predicted that if the Boston Bruins win the cup, the Canucks fans would riot." Melissa commented.

"You know, that wouldn't be the first time they rioted, the Canucks fans rioted when the New York Rangers beat them in seven in the Stanley Cup finals back in 1994. that happened a year after Spencer was born." Abby stated.

"Didn't know that." Maddie told her dance teacher.

"Me either." Vivi stated.

"Vivi, Mads, you learn something new everyday." Spencer commented. "That's what mom always told me."

"That's true." Melissa stated. "I heard that Naperville just opened up a Top Golf facility on Odyssey Court."

"Gia was telling me about that the other day." Spencer said. "Maybe we could all go there one day."

"That would be cool." Maddie commented.

"Have you ever traveled out of the country?" Mackenzie asked Spencer.

"I sure have, i've been to Canada, France, Tokyo, Austrailia, England and even Rome. Those were a lot of fun trips, Kenzie." Spencer answered.

"I bet they were and we've been there too."

"Maybe one day we'll travel to visit one of them." Vivi said.

"That would be a great idea, Vivi." Abby told her daughter.

Then once they finished breakfast, they all paid the check together and then they left Ihop and walked around the Harlem Irving Plaza, which is a mall in Norridge. Once they did that, they all went home for the day.

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