Chapter 11: Holly vs Abby and Spencer

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Later on that day, Abby, Spencer and Vivi were with Maddie, who had a solo.

"Maddie, your solo is Maybe Hope, you've got to have the face of the pretty, beautiful, hopeful person that never gives up when things are looking bleak and you've got to have beautiful feet, not the fred flintstone flat feet like my son has." Abby said as Maddie and Vivi laughed while Spencer looked at his mother with an incredulous expression when he heard her say he had fred flintstone feet and even Gianna had to laugh.

"He's so cute." Gianna thought to herself.

"Hey!" Spencer exclaimed.

"Just kidding!" Abby told him, then she turned to Maddie. "Got it?"

Maddie nodded and once Gianna played the music and she began dancing while Melissa was watching, she looked a little sad because it reminded her of her late mother aka Bopcha.

"That song reminds me of my mother." Melissa told the moms.

"We know." Hollie commented.

"Maddie told me about it." Kelly added.

"I can tell she's excited about this dance." Holly said.

"Me too." Christi stated.

"I know i've told you this, but when i was young, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and she meant the world to me, she and i were really close like Maddie and i are and close like Abby and her kids are and the other day, i freaked out a little because like, i could smell her and it was like really weird. I have pictures of her and i look at them every day whenever i get my coffee in the morning and i miss her a lot."

"We can tell and i remember Abby told me that when she lost her father eleven years ago, Spencer had an emotional breakdown because he missed his grandfather dearly." Hollie commented.

"Spencer admitted that to me a few years ago." Kelly said.

A few minutes later, the group dance rehersal was in Studio A as Abby, Spencer, Vivi and Gianna watched, then Melissa walked into Studio A.

"Abby, Spencer, Vivi, i know you two are busy with rehearsals, but just to warn you, Dawn Check is here and she wants to talk to you." Melissa informed.

"Dawn should be here paying her bill." Vivi said.

"I know, right?" Spencer agreed.

"Spence, why don't you go talk to her?" Abby asked.

"All righty, i'll be right back." Spencer stated as he went past Melissa and exited Studio A to talk with Dawn and they went into the storage room to talk, then Spencer got some files.

"I thought it would be better if we spoke in person." Dawn said, then Spencer looked at the files.

"We're really, busy, busy, busy." Spencer told her. "All right, let's get down to business, you have not paid for the rest of your solo."

"Um, about that, i'm not going to do that."

"This needs to be paid, it's your contract--" Spencer stated.

"The contract was broken." Dawn told him.

"On the contrary, the contract was not broken."

"Yes it was, when you and your mother threw me and Regan out. You both told me to get out and not come back, that means that the contract is broken."

"It's not broken." Spencer retorted.

"Spencer, i don't owe you and your mother anything." Dawn told him.

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