First Impressions

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Anna Marie hated tourists. The constant flash of a camera, clueless expressions, and the mean tourists made every fiber in her being burn. A car sped away in the opposite direction spraying dust and dirt over her black heels, jean-fitted pants, and flowing sky-blue blouse. Dusting herself off she scowled in their direction and continued to walk down the sidewalk. The bustling city surrounding displayed the sounds of the world turning around and round. That's the last time I try being nice in giving directions. Her footsteps clicked faster against the cement floor and became deafening as she entered a large office building. It was sleek and modern looking with white floors that reflected the intricately designed ceiling of flowers. The walls held a light blue with its white edges. A desk of equal look sat at the back of the entrance as did a young man. His fingers eagerly flashed across the keyboard of the computer. He only stopped when he had seen Anna Marie walk in.

"Good Morning, Ms. Hunter. I've sent all of your paperwork up to your office this morning, and Phillip said he would be here momentarily" he said cheerily. His blonde hair shadowed his green eyes that darted around the room uncomfortably.

"That's fine Mark, but please tell Phillip that he had better be here before I am next time" she said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Feeling the annoyance increasing and spreading up her neck she hurriedly went into the elevator and pressed the button for "floor 51." She sighed in relief at the momentary calm before the storm. As the door opened that clattering of the work room swarmed her. Cubicles lined the room and workers buzzed about their business. Anna Marie walked on auto pilot navigating through the maze with ease as she searched her phone for emails. A door stood with the engravings "Ms. Anna Marie Hunter, CEO" on the front. Entering she saw her dark wood desk littered with papers and business cards. It's only seven in the morning, and I'm already irritated. As she sat down a voice came from the phone buried beneath the mess.

"Ms. Hunter? There's a person here for you about an interview?"

Anna Marie groaned and rubbed at her temples.

"Did you tell them that interviews were on TV only now?" she growled.

"No, ma'am. It's an interview for your assistant position?" she said.

"Then you can let them up, Lucy, just be sure that they have everything" Anna Marie groaned. She shuffled her papers around to look more orderly and stacked them together. She wrote notes on one before hearing the click of her door opening. A young woman stepped in wearing flats, sleek pants and a white blouse that tied in the front. Her brown hair was lightly curled, and her brown eyes were slightly amber. Anna Marie sat up straighter in her chair and motioned for her to sit down.

"So, you plan on being my personal assistant?" Anna Marie asked.

"Yes" she responded simply. Anna Marie leaned forward intrigued.

"And you do understand that I have been through ten different assistants within the passed few weeks, right?" she smirked. The young woman smiled showing her perfect white teeth.

"I don't plan on being scared away so quickly. I'm not exactly a pushover" she responded. Anna Marie laughed and sat back again.

"That's what the- I think it was second to last assistant that said that, and yet they were wrong"

"Well, I guess you will never know if you don't let me try" she retorted. The girl's got an attitude.

"Then I guess I'll never know. Feel free to return to the secretary's desk to collect your folder that you left" Anna Marie said coolly. She set back to work and heard the disappointed sigh from the woman as she left. Anna Marie paused and stared at her closed door.

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