Fatal Attraction

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Lauren felt Ann's strong arms on either side of her, the weight of Ann on top of her was overwhelming. I don't know what triggered this, but I need to do it more often. She bites Ann's lower lip, nibbling on it as she felt Ann's legs spread her apart more and more. Ann moaned and made a guttural sound that echoed with Lauren. Her tongue demanded passage and Lauren gladly gave it. They both pulled back in unison to get some breath back.

"I remember the first time I tried doing this, and I chickened out" Ann laughed.

"You better not... do it again because I'm going to be turned on and severely disappointed in my wife" she responded, still winded. Both laughing they began their dance once more. Clothes lay scattered on the floor. Lauren's body began to tremble with pleasure and she arched her back pressing into Ann harder. Anna Marie continued to kiss her as if she never would again. Finally, they collapsed and lay next to each other, panting, and giggling like schoolgirls.

"I swear it feels like the first time" Lauren whispered. Anna Marie gave her butterfly kisses on her face.

"That's one of the things I love about you, but not the main thing" she murmured into her hair. Snuggling closer to each other they relaxed and fell asleep.

When Lauren woke up she didn't feel the comforting presence of Ann beside her. Sitting up she saw that the room was empty, but heard a small noise coming from downstairs. She quickly put on some shorts and a T-shirt and went to explore what the noise was. Approaching the kitchen, she saw Anna Marie cooking at the stove with some tunes playing from a nearby speaker.

"No chance, no way, I won't say it no" she sang. "I won't say I'm in love." Lauren smiled and wrapped her arms around her torso and laid her head on Ann's shoulder.

"Should I be worried that you don't want to be in love or that your listening to Disney music?" she teased.

"Hey! Back off, they have good songs" Ann said in mock offense. She turned around in Lauren's arms and kissed her forehead. "And I will always be in love with you. Even if I lose my memory, I'll just fall all over again." This time Lauren kissed her lips and walked over to the island counter. She hoisted herself up and sat down looking at her wife with a smile. Ann shook her head and continued cooking.

"What are you making babe?" she asked, swinging her legs around like a child.

"Some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns" Ann said simply.

"I love pancakes! You are the best wife ever" Lauren tilted her head to the side and smiled.

"I'm your only wife, and you're welcome, my love" she raised an eyebrow as she looked back at the woman on the counter. Lauren giggled and jumped off heading to the table to eat. Just as they had begun to dig in, Ann's phone rang throughout the house with an annoying screech.

"Hello? Yes, I will be there. No, we will not be rescheduling. Yes, thank you" she hung up and sighed.

"Duty calls?" Lauren said quietly. Ann gave her a look of remorse.

"I have to go on a trip to Tokyo for a meeting with another CEO" she grumbled.

"How long will you be gone?"

"About two weeks, but possibly longer if something comes up" Ann stood to put her plate in the sink. Lauren wrapped her arm around her wife's waist and nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

"You'll be back before you know it. I can hold down the fort here" she murmured against her skin, feeling Ann tremble.

"I hope so, and when I come back you and I can go take a vacation. Just the two of us" Laurens arms tightened around her and she giggled.

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