Unexpected Visitor

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Ann's POV 

Have I mentioned I love my wife? Because I do. With everything in my being. After our little "talk" Lauren suggested a movie night to which I didn't complain, but I seriously felt like a horrible spouse for being so fricking dramatic. I hope I can be a better mom.... The thought of it still scares me, but when I look into Lauren's chocolate eyes... I don't feel so scared. She's got my back. I walked into the kitchen and opened one of the cream colored cabinets, rummaging around for a coffee mug. I was dead tired from yesterday's events. Not finding a regular coffee mug I grabbed a kuchi kopi cup and poured coffee in it instead. What? It's actually Lauren's. I cautiously  took a sip and glanced at the calendar that hung on our stainless steel refrigerator. I nearly spit out my coffee when I realized that mine and Lauren's wedding anniversary was a week away. Shit...... I heard footsteps upstairs and knew that the wabbit was awake. I smiled to myself. Of all the things that we've been through we still came back to each other as if nothing happened at all. I ran a hand through my hair and shook my head. I turned to set my coffee down when I felt someone hug me from behind. 

"Are you feeling ok today babe?" came her soft voice. I closed my eyes in momentary bliss. Looking back at her I kissed the top of her head.

"I'm doing better now" I whispered. She smiled up at me and I felt the butterflies be released within me and my legs suddenly forgetting how to work. 

"Brandi and some friends will be coming over soon. We should probably go get ready" she stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I felt myself melt and have that retarded smile creep out.

"I'll come up right now" I smiled. Creep. 

"Ok, but remember just something comfortable" After getting ready I heard the doorbell go off. I hadn't yet put my shirt on so I walked out of the closet. I laughed at myself. 

"Lauren, could you get the door?" I called. Lauren came out of the bathroom putting on an earring and stopped in her tracks. I felt her eyes rake my exposed torso and smirked. "We have guests babe."

Lauren's POV

I felt my breath stop and my heart beat faster. Why does she have to be so fricking gorgeous? I shook my head to get out of my stupor. I walked out of the room with shaky legs and opened the door. Brandi stood wearing a white romper with pink roses scattered over the fabric. Her hair was in neat waves. I smiled at my cousin-in-law and gave her a hug. 

"Hey, cousin! Long time no see!" she winked. I laughed along with her and turned to the others behind her. Damien came in his plain white T-shirt and jeans. A new girl stood behind him. She had blond hair in soft waves cascading down her shoulders. She gave me a bright smile and stuck her manicured hand for me to shake. She had a navy blue blouse and light skinny jeans on. I had to admit that she was beautiful. Her green eyes looked at me expectantly. I shook her hand then pulled her into a hug.

"Hi, sorry, I'm a hugger" I chuckled. She laughed and tilted her head much like an anime girl. What the hell?

"I love hugs! My name's Adaline. I'm a friend of Brandi's, and she invited me to tug along. I hope that's ok?" she gave a nervous smile. 

"Of course! Come on in, a friend of family is a friend of mine" We walked into the living room and went on with meaningless banter. 

"Anna Marie should be down soon. She was just getting dressed" I explained to them. 

"Of course she isn't dressed yet. How does a CEO get their job done if they can't get dressed on time?" Damien joked. As if on cue Ann came crashing down the stairwell and stopped abruptly in front of us. Her jeans hugged her curves perfectly, her black T-shirt was semi-tight and hinted at her abs. I now dislike her wearing such clothes in public. 

"Sorry, I was still getting dressed. Hey, I'm Anna Marie" she extended her hand to Adaline and smiled. Ugh.

"Hello, I'm well aware of the very intriguing Ms. Hunter" Adaline responded coolly. 

"Mrs. Hunter" Ann corrected her. I guess she might not be in the dog house after all. We stayed in the living room and chatted about what we all had been up to, and the talk about children came up.

"Are you planning on having any kids Brandi?" Adaline asked. She sat on the couch legs crossed, one lazily swinging around. 

"Possibly. Damien and I haven't really talked about a whole lot" Brandi blushed. My poor cousin was the shyest person I knew. Adaline then looked directly at Ann and a small smiled played on her lips. She was really pissing me off now. 

"Are you going to have children Anna Marie?" she asked innocently. I sat back on the couch trying to hide my knowing smirk.

"I probably wouldn't be pregnant, but I will have a baby soon" she smiled at my. Damn that woman and her ability to make me melt. I should just trust in my wife, who am I kidding?

"Are you looking into a surrogate or treatments?" she continued to just ignore me. The pain in my side from the bullet wound began to itch knowing how close I came to losing the child I had no idea I was carrying. I saw a twitch in Ann's jaw and knew what was about to happen. I placed a hand gently on her thigh and lightly caressed it to calm her. 

"I'm actually pregnant right now Adaline" I said kindly. I wasn't about to show her she was winning. Bitch.

"Oh! Congratulations" she smiled. I still saw the brief flash of envy in her eyes, and smiled back at her.

"I'll be due in about July" Adaline then started to look uncomfortable and I knew I had gotten to her. Guess I just smashed her little crush down. Before I could change the subject to spare her because I'm such a nice person I saw her finally turn her gaze on me. Her green eyes had turned dark with something I had only seen in Ann's. Lust. I shivered and Ann put an arm around me.

"You ok honey?" she asked. Ann had her usual concerned look on her face and I immediately relaxed. 

"I'm fine. How about we get ready for dinner now?" We made our way to the kitchen where everyone helped set the table and serve the plates. We were having spaghetti and meatballs as requested by Damien and Brandi. Being the guests we decided to let them pick. 

"This is really good Lauren! Thank you for dinner" Damien piped up. I smiled at him as a thank you in return. He had really warmed up to me, and my relationship with his cousin. We've come a long way... Once dinner was over I began picking up the dishes. I didn't mind cleaning, and Ann wanted to show Brandi and Damien the nursery in progress. I felt someone staring at me and saw Adaline standing in the doorway of the kitchen. 

"I'll help you clean up" she said quietly, walking to my side.

"You really don't have to"

"I insist. It's the least I could do since I was an unexpected visitor" she looked at me and smiled. I shrugged and let her help. As I was drying one of the plates I felt hands on my hips, but they seemed foreign. That's not Ann.... I turned around to see Adaline smiling wickedly at me.

"I'm going to join everyone in the nursery. Do you want to come to?" she asked sweetly. It made me want to vomit. Taking her hands off of my hips I smiled. 

"I'll be right there I just need to put this away" I gestured to the plate in my hands. 

"Let me help" She grabbed the plate and set it down on the little rack pressing her front to my back. "There now we can go." She skipped out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I felt sick to my stomach. I walked upstairs to the nursery to see Brandi sitting in my white rocking chair. The room was a baby blue with white trimming. Besides the rocking chair at the far corner, the rest of the furniture was a dark wood color. I smiled at how happy Ann seemed with explaining where we got everything from. My hand instinctively pressed against my stomach where the little life slowly grew. Ann then looked at me, and walked over to kiss my forehead.

"You guys are honestly too cute" Brandi gushed. I laughed and shook my head. After announcing they were leaving I was hugging her goodbye.I went to say good bye to Adaline and her hug lingered. Finally pushing away from her they left the house.

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