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Anna Marie was released a few days later, but would have to continue being confined to the house to rest. It was driving her insane. She tried to busy herself with chores and helping around the house, but Lauren had insisted she rest. Despite not remembering Lauren she felt the undeniable connection to her. However, she was too embarrassed to admit it still. Tonight would be their "first" night sleeping together. How many times have I laid beside this woman with my arms around her?  Did we do anything further?! Her head swam with ideas that caused her face to feel hot. She decided to go outside on her patio and sit on one of the chairs covered in pillows. Her body ached, but the medication had been helping. She slowly lowered herself and relaxed in the softness and enjoyed  the warm sun on her face. Anna closed her eyes, basking in the serene outdoors. She felt the softness of lips on her forehead then, and gave a small smile. Her eyes then opened to see Lauren beaming down at her. 

"Dinner will be ready soon" she smiled. A look of uneasiness came across her face and she averted her gaze from her. Ann wanted to kiss it away. Had I just thought that? Oh, wait. She's my wife. "Sorry if you didn't like me kissing your forehead. It just was hard to resist". Anna smiled and stood up, slightly grimacing at her bruising. Walking around her chair so she stood in front of Lauren her heart beat rapidly. 

"I don't mind. I sorry that I don't remember us" she said sadly. 

"It's not your fault, love" Lauren lightly cupped Anna's cheek, and gave a bittersweet smile. "Now, come on. Let's go have dinner". They ate, and chatted allowing for Anna to re-get-to-know Lauren. She found that everything about her was attractive. They finished their dinner, and went to their bedroom. I feel like my skin is going to melt off my body.... Anna slowly got dressed in some pajama shorts and a tank top. Lauren had a T-shirt and boy shorts on. Good God, this girl's going to be the death of me. Sliding into bed Anna held her breath. Lauren turned to face her, and smiled. 

"Good Night, Ann" she whispered before closing her eyes. Ann..... I like that. Anna suddenly felt a strong pain in her head, and found herself saying, "Good Night, Wabbit". She scooted herself closer feeling drawn to Lauren and felt moisture on her cheek. "Lauren, are you crying?" She felt Lauren nod her head as the moisture spread. Instinctively Anna Marie wrapped her arms around her cooing in an effort to comfort her. 

"You remembered" she whispered. Lauren shifted her head to look into Anna's eyes. Ann could barely make out her face, but saw a smile shining through the darkness. "I love you Anna Marie".

It was now her turn to cry, and she kissed Lauren fully on the lips. 

"I love you too, Lauren" Laying snuggly in each others arms and drifted off to sleep. 

The morning came too soon for Ann, and stifled a groan as she felt Lauren slowly extract herself from Ann's grasp. 

"I have to go to work, you goof" she giggled. "I'll come check on you at lunch"

"Fine, but where do you work?" she asked looking at Lauren seriously. 

"I work at Supercorp. The company you own, and happen to be your assistant" Anna Marie felt her eyes go wide.

"I married my assistant?!" she gasped. Lauren laughed and sat on the edge of the bed. 

"Yes, but it wasn't exactly planned. You literally told me you loved me that morning, and then came back later saying how your mom had a contract. This contract arranged for you to be married or something would happen to your family. I honestly don't remember, but I do know that we had never regretted it" she smiled. Anna felt love swell within her knowing that what Lauren had said was most likely true. She had felt something between her and Lauren. Even without remembering, and knew that she was the one. Learning that they were already married was just a bonus. 

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