The Confession

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Anna Marie awoke to the sound of screaming. A blood curdling, guttural sound downstairs that sent her into a full sprint to its epicenter. She opened the door to Lauren's room and saw her thrashing about with the covers. She twisted and turned sobbing into the sheets from an invisible enemy.

"Stop! Please, just stop!" she cried. Anna Marie rushed forward and grabbed hold of her arms. She struggled for control and held Lauren close to her.

"Hey, its ok. Lauren its me, you're ok" she soothed. Ann rubbed her back as she slowly began to relax and slump against her, clearly spent.

"I was having a- a nightmare. Sorry I-I woke y-you up" she said between hiccups. Ann cradled her and gently rocked back and forth.

"Shhhhh. It's ok. Don't worry about it. You're safe here, you're with me" she said into Lauren's disheveled hair. Lauren wrapped her arms around her tightly and sat silent for a few minutes.

"Please don't leave me here alone" came a whisper at last. Stunned, Ann hesitated before tightening her hold around Lauren.

"I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere" she tried to let Lauren lay back down. "Let's just lay back down and try and get some sleep, ok?" They lay down side by side and Lauren wiggled closer to Anna Marie, pressing herself to her side. Unsure, but unable to resist the urge she circled an arm around Lauren and hugged her close. Lauren grabbed the arm and held it close to her chest.

"Good Night Lauren" she whispered. The sound of faint snoring was her answer. Curling against her she let her eyelids slowly fall shut. Before she knew it a ray of sun woke her up and caused her to squint. Something stirred in her arms and groaned softly. Anna Marie shot her eyes open to see that Lauren lay beside her and pressed herself against Ann.

"Lauren" she whispered softly. She stirred only slightly. "Lauren, we have to get up" Lauren turned around and cuddled to Ann's chest. Her breath blew gently on her skin sending chills up and down her spine. Removing herself from Lauren's arms she looked down at her sleeping form. Her hair was slightly covering her face, tucking her hands back to herself, and snuggled into the pillow. Anna Marie brushed aside her hair and kissed Lauren's forehead. Her lips buzzed from the contact and she got up from the warmth of the bed. Writing a note, she left it on the dresser and went to get dressed for work. I'll let her rest for now.


Lauren felt the soft kiss Anna Marie had given her and smiled. Yawning she got out of bed to change clothes. She reflected to how Ann had held her that night after her nightmare. I want to be held again.... She shook her head at the direction her thoughts were headed. I need to get to work. I hope it's not awkward. Beside her she noticed a small note. Left for the office. Take your time getting up and hope to see you at the office -A. Lauren smiled at the thoughtfulness, and got out of the bed. On her way to the office she buzzed with excitement and anticipation. But her stomach dropped when she saw a pretty blonde sitting in Ms. Hunter's office. The mysterious blonde leaned forward on the desk, clearly flirting. Ann smiled and looked at a paper in her hands. Lauren felt something bubbling inside that startled her. Am I..... jealous? With her head held high she walked into the office while Anna Marie wasn't paying attention. The new girl ignored Lauren completely and went on.

"I've always wanted to work for this company, and now I can see why it's so successful" she purred. Ms. Hunter paused for a second, still not looking up.

"Yes, well, I have my assistant to thank for that" she finally looked up at Lauren and grinned. Lauren's cheeks began to burn, and she turned away. "How are you feeling?" Concern was etched on Ann's face. She cares?

"I'm feeling better now. I'm sorry if I tossed too much" she whispered the end.

"It's fine, but you know that I'm here if you need anything, right?" Lauren nodded unable to say a word. Anna Marie turned back to the blonde, that seemed to be getting uncomfortable, and her business-face had returned. "I will have Ms. Marvel look over your resume, and we should get back to you within a week" Knowing she was dismissed the blonde put on a fake smile and stood.

"Of course, thank you for your time" she said robotically. After she was out of the room Lauren turned back to her boss.

"What did you think of her?" she asked curiously, fidgeting with a folder.

"I think she did well, but she was a bit flirty and completely ignored you which was unacceptable" Ann huffed. Lauren was thrown aback by her response and how genuinely upset she seemed.

"You're the boss, whatever you choose I'll support" she sighed. Anna Marie stood from her chair and looked at Lauren with interest.

"You don't seem very happy about having a new hire" she accused jokingly.

"It's not that I mind, but I'm afraid the flirting will be a distraction" she said. I'm afraid that she'll try and steal you away... Ann pressed a button on her desk, causing shades to cover the front of the windows facing the cubicles. Only the light from the sunshine in the other windows shown through. Anna Marie crossed her arms in front of her and stood silent.

"A distraction for who?" she asked at last. Lauren shifted uneasily on her feet, not looking up. If she keeps pressing I might break.

"To others working with her or even you" she murmured. Her heart beat rapidly and she held her breath.

"A distraction to me?" With each passing word Ann stepped closer, making Lauren press against the wall. "Ms. Marvel" she said in a tone telling her to look up. "You are my distraction" she whispered, sending goosebumps up Laurens body.

"Wh-what?" she stammered.

"Do you have any idea how much I wanted to kill that guy that slapped you? Or how hard it was laying next to you last night? God, I can't believe I gave into that!" Ann spun with her hands on her head, flustered and embarrassed.

"Ann the office will hear you" Lauren quieted.

"The shades are soundproof. You could make the loudest noise possible and there would be nothing" she still had her hands on her head. "Look Lauren" she said. She looked to her and sighed. "I can't deny that I'm attracted to you anymore. If I did I would be slowly killing myself on the inside and would probably go insane!" she said. Sitting back down in her chair she put her face in her hands and sat silently. Lauren hesitantly walked over and gently put a hand on the side of Ann's face.

"Me too" she whispered. She nudged her arms away and sat on Anna Marie's lap. Ann looked up at her and wrapped her arms around her waist. Lauren slowly leaned down and pressed her Lips to Ann's. It started tentatively as if either one was nervous and had never done it before. Their breaths mingled with each other's as it sped up. Ann reached beneath Laurens shirt to grab her sides and gently caressed her skin. Lauren entangled her hands in Ann's hair and pulled her closer. She felt hands exploring more of her torso and encircled behind her back.

"Ann" she breathed between kisses. "Ann, we should probably go back to work."

"Mhhmm" Ann pulled away as they both caught their breath. "I hate when you're right" she teased. Grabbing hold of Lauren's bottom, she lifted her up and let her stand. "I will see you later, but this isn't the end" she murmured. Lauren gave her one last kiss and gave her a hug.

"I hope that's a promise, and I will see you later after your meetings"

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