New Arrival

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Ann's Point of View

I laid down my wife on our bed while she still slept. I kissed her forehead and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I looked into the mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked tired, beaten, but content. I smiled and took off my glasses. I stepped into the misty shower and let the water run over my face. A sharp pain sparked in my head and I felt hands on my body. I looked around and saw no one. I quickly finished my shower and went to the bed. Lauren still lay sleeping so I decided to change her into her pajamas. She wouldn't mind right? As I reached down to pull off her shirt that sharp pain was back. The image of a man slapping Lauren played in my mind and I stumbled back. What the hell was going on?  I shook my head and went back to dressing Lauren. Once finished I laid down next to her. I heard a voice whisper to me. 

"Please don't leave me here alone..."  A single tear rolled down my cheek. I looked over at Lauren and how peacefully she slept now. Was she the one that said that? A rush of protectiveness hit me and I wrapped my arms around her. I felt her cuddle against my chest and I buried my face in her sweet smelling hair and finally slept. 

Lauren's POV 

I felt her there with me. We were in bed, I looked at the clock next to me. 3AM. I groaned and felt the arms around me tighten. I looked over at Ann's sleeping form and giggled. She had her right arm around me and the other underneath her head. She was lightly snoring with her mouth slightly opened. She looked sexy as hell. Her brown curls spread around the pillow tangled within mine too. She pressed her front to mine firmer as if to insure that I would still be there. I lightly pressed our foreheads together and played with a few strands of hair. She smelled like chocolate. She stirred and wrapped a leg around mine as well. I smiled at the feel. I looked down and realized that she had changed me again. I frowned at the memory, but it immediately went away when I felt her head seek mine. I reconnected our foreheads and finally went back to sleep. 

That stupid alarm clock was going to die soon. Before I could turn it off Ann reached over me and slammed a hand on it. As if spent from the movement she let her body drop on me. Her arms again made their way around me. I played with her hair and laughed. 

"Tired already?" I asked teasingly. 

"Do we have to get up?" she groaned in my stomach. I laughed again from being tickled by her breath. 

"Yes, we do. You are the CEO of the company Anna Marie" She lifted her head to look at me and rested her head and hands on my chest. I saw the cobalt blue eyes hold a mischievous glint. 

"Fine, but only if I get a kiss every half hour" she said. 


"45 minutes"

"Done. Now get off of me!" Ann laughed and pecked my nose before getting out of bed. 

We arrived in the office and I kissed Ann good bye while she went off for a meeting. I stopped by the reception desk before going upstairs. 

"Hi Lucy, how are things this morning? Did the investors look grumpy?" I scrunched up my nose. 

"No Mrs. Hunter. Everything's fine today, and the investors are just more grumpy old men" she laughed. Lucy and I had become good friends over the past 2 years, but she insisted on calling me Mrs. Hunter. 

"Oh good, I guess I'm going to be defusing a bomb later then" I rolled my eyes. 

"Speaking of said bomb, it seems that Ann has gained her memory back?" Lucy inquired. 

"Not really, but I'm glad that she's still in love with me. Or so I would like to think" I reply.

"You two are so cute! Of course she would still be in love with you. I mean she was practically smitten with you when you first walked into her office for the interview!" They both laugh and talk about planning a Christmas party at the office. Christmas was still about 2 months away, but planning ahead was always my thing. I went up the elevator and walked into the cubicle filled room. A fuming Ann was just walking out of the conference room and I walked over. 

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