Her Nurse

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I know this story is just starting out, but I would really appreciate feedback! I'm open to any suggestions to future chapters. 


A fire burned bright within Anna Marie's chest. After having the bad feeling she decided to follow Lauren to be sure she would be safe. Stupid drunks. Her hand stung from punching the creep, but her breath hitched when she felt Lauren curl against her. She held her a little tighter and put her gently into the car. Once back at the house she set Lauren down in a spare room on the first floor.

"God forgive me for what I'm going to do" she muttered under her breath. She undressed Lauren careful not to look and put some more comfortable clothes on. After, she went to grab an ice pack and examined her injures. Anna Marie's hand had started to swell from punching the man, but she ignored it. She gently laid the ice pack on her face where she had been struck. Rage burned like lava in Ann's blood. I should have taken her home. Frustrated she left the room for Lauren to rest.

Several days later Lauren had been in and out of sleeping. Ann felt guilty thinking that it was from over working her. Having just finished her workout she wore loose running pants and a sports bra. Sweat beaded her forehead as she walked to the kitchen for some water. A noise sounded behind her and she spun around. Lauren stood wide-eyed and staring at her, looking her up and down. A dark tint of red crept to her cheeks and down her neck. Ann's own face felt on fire, but not from the workout.

"I'm sorry I-I just woke up and I panicked so I came looking for you when I realized where I was" Lauren blurted. Anna Marie stood in a stunned silence. Lauren's hair was curled and ruffled attractively, and she hugged the loose-fitting shirt to her. Ann's heart sped up again, running a marathon. She walked in front of her and looked down at her still bruised face.

"It's fine. I'm just glad to see you up and walking again" she breathed.

"How did I get these clothes?" Lauren questioned. Anna Marie shifted her feet and looked away, embarrassed.

"Um, I changed you into some of my clothes, so you would be more comfortable. I figured you would need some time to recover since you were hit so hard" The last few words came out in a low voice as anger threatened to boil to the surface.

"You changed my clothes while I was unconscious?"

"It won't happen again!" Anna Marie blundered. Lauren stood with a smile, and unexpectedly gave Ann a hug.

"Thank you" she whispered. Ann's torso burned at her touch from the lack of fabric between them, but she gave in and returned the gesture.

"I should probably go shower now since I'm a little sweaty. In the meantime, you can change back into your clothes or keep those on. I can take you home when you feel up to it" She gently stepped back and retreated up the stairs. Her face felt as if it would melt off and she went to her bedroom.


Lauren placed a hand over her chest and midsection and went back to the room she awoke from. Why can't I breathe? She sat at the end of the dark wooded bed, staring blankly at the floor. She covered her face with her hands and sighed in defeat.

"You ok? Do you need some aspirin? Something hurting you?" Ann stood in the doorway of her room concern shadowing her soft features. You're hurting me. She changed from her lack of workout clothes into a tight fitted gray V-neck shirt and jeans that hugged her curves.

"I'm fine I just-..." she paused not wanting to look into her eyes. She fidgeted with her hands ashamed of what she wanted to confess. "I'm afraid to go home by myself" she murmured. She closed her eyes and sat in silent shame. Something sturdy sat next to her on the bed.

"You can stay here if it makes you feel safer, but this means you need to promise to rest. You need to get better" Anna Marie said gently. Lauren finally look up at her and saw a lightness in her arctic depths. They stared back at her with intensity, waiting for her answer eagerly.

"You need me back to work that bad?" she teased. Hurt flashed across Ann's face for a second than embarrassment.

"No, I literally mean to help get you back to your usual self. I'm not heartless you know" Anna Marie stood and walked briskly out of the room, taking Lauren's heart with her. The day went by uneventfully and soon Lauren retreated for bed. She dressed back into the clothes Ann had for her before. She relished in the feeling of the fabric, knowing Anna Marie had worn them before. She curled beneath the covers and was induced into a troubled sleep. 

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