The Vow

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Decided to do a different point of view because its SO much easier to write and keep track of characters.

Ann's point of view

I woke up in bed with sunshine in my face. I groaned in annoyance at the light and looked around my room. My head was pounding like I had been hit by a hit. A sharper pain hit me then and I remembered. I was hit by a car. Memories began flooding back to me. My promotion at Supercorp for CEO. The lonely years that followed. A brunette with honey eyes walking into her office. The same woman in a white wedding dress smiling at me. The touch of our lips that sealed our fate. The unmistaking feeling of love washing over her. Something stirred in her arms in reality. Brown hair tickled her chin. Honeyed eyes sparked at her with the same sunlight that had annoyed her just a few seconds ago. Now forgotten. She smiled tenderly and silently thanked the heavens for the woman beside her.

"What's that smile for?"

"Nothing. I just like waking up next to you and replaying everything that I can remember" I smiled. Lauren kissed the tip of my nose and laughed.

"Come on. We have to get up, it's your first day back to work" she got up after giving me another kiss. I groaned and grabbed her pajama shorts, but I somehow also got her underwear and felt the heat on my hand. I released her my cheeks flaming. I swear I cant feel my hand. I looked away so she wouldn't see my eyes and I quickly got up to get dressed. I scolded myself for letting this woman in my head now and beforehand. I was supposed to be the badass CEO! Stumbling out of bed I ran to the closet to get dressed. The usual formal attire and went downstairs. Lauren walked down the stairs in light jeans and formal blouse. I had to literally rest my chin in the palm of my hand leaning on the counter to keep from my jaw dropping. I was falling in love with her all over again. And I didnt know if I liked it or not. I could remember somethings. Most seem like their just familiar, but I cant remember them completely. Not the details. Yet it was remembering the details that I craved the most. Lauren placed a hand softly on my back, looking at me tenderly.

"Are you ok, honey?" She said. Her brown eyes bore into mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Should probably get to work" I grumbled. I had felt my attitude change, and I felt like an ass sounding how I did towards Lauren. It just couldnt be helped. Last night I had agreed to something in a spir of the moment. Then I remembered the look of joy on Lauren's face and immediately knew I made the right choice. Finally arriving at the office and sat in my chair with a grunt. Lauren walked in holding a binder, chewing her bottom lip. God that lip is going to kill me.

"Are you sure you're ok Ann? Is this about what we talked about last night?" She looked so uncertain and almost afraid that stood up. I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms.

"No, it has nothing to do with that. I'm just frustrated with not being able to remember the details of what happened between us" I said honestly. I felt her shoulders relax and she buried her face in my chest.

"I know it must be frustrating, but from you're answer last night" she paused and looked up to me, "you still love me, right?" She nearly whispered the last part that I almost didn't hear. Something in me cracked in that moment. The look in her eyes made my knees weak and tears threatened to escape. I held her tighter and nuzzled her neck.

"Of course I do. Even with what I can remember I know deep down that I love you Lauren. I don't know how to explain it. I just do" I murmured in her ear.

Lauren's point of view

I felt her grip me tighter as she hugged me close. A single tear left my eye and fell of her light blue shirt. We ended the hug and looked into each others eyes. I saw love in those deep blue depths, but not like it was before. There was loss, confusion, and uncertainty hiding beneath. I knew her better than that. She saw the tears that were in my own eyes and gently wiped them away with her thumb. My want-no my NEED to kiss her was strong, but I held back. Instead a laid my hand on her cheek and left her office. Why I felt this way I didn't know. I hate this feeling. I know I'm only hurting her for something she can't control. I did my rounds and the usual routine that I had picked up while Ann was out on recovery. My heart constricted still as I remembered her mangled look. More tears emerged again and I knew I couldn't hold them back. Ann agreed that she wanted kids, but can we in a state like this? My heart broke all over again. I walked into one of our break rooms and quietly cried. Then I stiffed when I heard her voice outside. I quickly wiped the tears away and stepped out. I walked the opposite way and headed to my desk. We may be married, but I was still her assistant. Assuring that her meetings were booked and the paperwork sent out and looked over I breathed out. I hadn't seen Ann all day, but I figured it was because she needed to catch up on work. I laid my head on my desk in frustration and find myself sleepy.

Ann's Point of view

I rubbed the back of my neck as I exited the conference room. What a day. I glanced at Lauren's desk and saw her resting her head in her arms. She was asleep. I smiled at the sight and went to her. She looked peaceful. Not like the broken and crying woman I had seen sneak out of the break room earlier today. Lightly shaking her shoulder and urged her to wake up to go home.

"Lauren. It's time to go home, come on" I cooed. She stirred but didnt wake up. Sighing I lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around me like a child clinging to a parent. I rubbed her back soothing her as I walked to the elevator. I'm glad I workout, but she's not that heavy anyway. I held on to her and placed my hands on her bottom to keep her on my hips. I'm going to be the best wife I could be. Remember or not Lauren deserves to be treated right after everything she's done for me. The elevator doors began to close and I placed a kiss to her hair sealing my vow.

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