The Secret

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Ann's POV

Lauren was finally able to come home. We were packing all of our stuff from the hospital room when a knock sounded. I turned around from putting Lauren's clothes in a bag. Brandi stood in the doorway, a bright smile on her face, and my cousin behind her.

"Hello you two! So glad to see you up and walking around Lauren. I heard you have more good news for us?" Brandi said. Lauren gave me a shy smile and looked away.

"I'm pregnant" she giggled out. Brandi squealed and ran to give Lauren a hug. I stepped forward to stop her, but Lauren gave me a knowing look so I stopped. I looked to Damien.

"I guess congratulations are in order?" He looked almost scared to talk to me. "Who was the surrogate?"

"I'm the biological mother. As is Lauren. The doctors aren't sure how yet, but Lauren didnt want to do any further tests" I told him. He nodded his head in understanding, as if what i just said made complete sense.

"Sorry I assumed" he murmured. Did he actually apologize?

"Look Damien, for the sake of my child, can we put our differences aside?" Lauren was constantly telling me that I should make amends with my family. I would never be able to do that with my mother, but I was determined to do that with my cousin. I couldnt do it with my sister anymore either... Damien held a shocked look on his face, and then tears glistened his eyes. He pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

"I would really like that Anna" he said. I squeezed him tighter and felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned to see Lauren smiling at me. I saw the love in her eyes and the sparkling. I released Damien and pulled her to me. After we had packed everything we went back to mine Lauren's home. I looked over to my wife as we stepped in and saw her with her arms wrapped around her stomach and was looking around.

"Are you ok, Lauren?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just picturing what this house would look like with a baby" she breathed. I smiled and hugged her.

"Well, there might be some crying, some funky smells and baby toys, but also a whole lot of love and joy" I saw tears in her eyes as she smiled up at me and kissed her softly. "Now i know you're dying to start going baby shopping so why dont you go with Brandi while Damien and I make dinner?" I suggested. Lauren's face immediately lit up like Christmas.

"That sounds great! I love you Flower" she kissed me before running off with Brandi. I turned to Damien.

"Any suggestions for dinner?" He gave me a shrug and we both laughed. After sobering we decided to make lasagna, which was Lauren's favorite. Half way through prepping Damien spoke up.

"Since you've been married long enough, I'm assuming Lauren knows?" He said. I looked at him confused.

"Knows about what?"

"Well, your sister. What happened. You know, the thing you keep blaming yourself for? It may seem small, but she should know about it. I see the way you got when you were driving her home" Then it hit me. I hadn't told her yet.

"No, I havent" Damien scowled at me and pointed a finger.

"She'll find out soon enough Anna Marie. She's going to be the mother of your child! She has a right to know" I slowly put the lasagna in the oven and sighed.

"I cant"

Lauren's POV

As I walked around the store with Brandi I could feel the pain creeping up on me on my side. I tried to ignore the fact that I was shot not 4 days ago and how they allowed me to leave so fast. Brandi noticed my grimaces of pain every now and then and insisted that I use a wheelchair to rest. I knew she was right, and I wanted to do everything in my power to take care on my baby. If nearly being killed wasnt a shock, bring pregnant was worse, but in a good way. If that makes sense. I found little onesies that I found cute and a crib that I fell in love with. I pictured what everything would look like in the room that I thought would be good for the nursery. I had sent Ann pictures of each item for her approval, but for now I just wanted to be held by her. We came back home to see that Damien and Ann had made my favorite dinner. I was really happy to see Ann getting along with her cousin. After dinner Damien and Brandi left us to ourselves.

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