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Ann's POV

I couldnt think straight. Other than not being straight. Taylor haunted my mind, and I didnt like it one bit. Something didnt settle right. I packed our living room while Lauren was in the shower upstairs. It had been a month since that day, but it feels like it was yesterday. I heard the water turn off upstairs. Maybe I can go up and peek..... I shook my head and continued pacing. We were going out to ight for a date night. Lauren appeared and shook her head at me.

"What are you anxious about not?" She can read me like a book.

"I'm not anxious" I lied. Lesson learned. Never lie to your wife.

"Anna Marie Hunter I know you well enough to know that you're worrying about something. Now spit it out, or we're not having date night" she said with finality. Damn that woman.

"I just worry that Taylor is going to come back. I have a bad feeling about it" I finally admitted.

"Ann, it's fine. That was over a month ago. Dont worry about it" she soothed. I relaxed a little knowing she was right.

"Ok, ok. Can we go now? I really wanted to watch The Nun" I said excitedly. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Why do you like this movie so much?" She groaned.

"Because I know you'll cuddle closer to me when you're scared" I grinned. She swatted my arm and walked out of the house.

After our movie date we decided to take a walk at a nearby park. I held on to Lauren's hand and closed me eyes enjoying the feeling of having her next to me.

Lauren's POV

I looked over at Ann to see her eyes closed and a smile on her face. I leaned onto her shoulder as we walked and looked to a little pond beside us. The park was serene, and I enjoyed taking this break from our busy life to spend with Ann. She was beginning to remember more and more with each day, and with each memory we grew closer and closer. I heard the clicking of something and opened my eyes. Ann had opened hers too and looked around. Then the sound of a gun shot made my heart stop. I searing pain spread from my side to the rest of my body. I felt liquid climbing my throat and spit some out. I could hear Ann screaming as if far away. I dropped to my knees and spots blurred my vision. I saw Ann's face appear in front of mine, and her muffled voice.

"Lauren dont go to sleep! Dont you dare close your eyes!" she screamed. I couldnt feel anything. I looked down to see my side covered in blood which was now all over Ann too. The last thing I saw was Ann's tearstreaked face and then darkness.

Ann's POV

I had rushed Ann to a nearby ER, not caring where the shot had come from. I just wanted to save my wife.... She's been in surgery for the past 9 hours. Each passing second bring more and more anxiety. Horrible memories from when I was hit by the car came back. I hated hospitals with a burning passion now. I really hated them, but for Lauren... I'll go to hell and back. I alternated between pacing and sitting in the uncomfortable chairs in the stuffy waiting room. The lighting was starting to burn my tired eyes. The nurses carried on with their duties going to and fro around me. Can't they see that Lauren might die today? I had snapped at a few nurses earlier when they asked me to relax. I felt horrible knowing Lauren would have scolded me for doing so. I had apologized and then burst into tears. The badass, emotionless CEO long forgotten. I just want my wife to be ok. I paced around again earning concerned expressions from the nurses. Finally my name was called from a nearby doorway. I practically sprinted and nearly knocked over the doctor.

"How is she? Is she ok? Can I see her?" I asked eagerly.

"Mrs. Hunter, your wife is stable, but is also very weak. You may see her, but we ask that you be gentle and not wake her up. She needs rest now" As if I would do that to her! The nerve!

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