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Anna Marie looked sideways at Lauren that sat in her passenger seat. Her eyes were closed, and a smile sneaked onto her face. Anna Marie smiled to herself and relaxed as the pulled up to the house. She had always proud of her older cabin like house. It was modernized inside, but the rustic look and feel gave it a homey touch. Pulling into the driveway she got out of the car. She laughed at the look Lauren had on her face. Her facial features displayed a comical look of awe as she scanned the houses exterior.

"Like what you see?" she joked. Lauren flashed a smile at her before looking back at the building.

"I love it. It's really beautiful" Anna Marie tried to stuff down the feeling of pleasure that ran through her body at Lauren's words. She opened the door and motioned for her to follow. Inside the soft blue-gray couches huddled near a large fireplace. The kitchen over saw the living room, and the dining room was seen from the front window. A patio area could be seen peeking through the white see through curtains that blew lightly in the wind. A staircase trailed to the upstairs off to the side.

"Normally I have a person come in and clean the house, but I decided to do it myself recently" Anna Marie said proudly.

"So, you're not going to stick to the usual rich person image? You know, have people do things for you, and have a mansion of ridiculous square footage?" Lauren teased.

"Well, I do have one, but it's more of a decoy than a real house. No one knows about this house. I trust you won't tell anyone that you've been here or know where it is?" Anna Marie raised an eyebrow at Lauren.

"I didn't know I'm the only one that's been here..." her voice trailed off as she began to explore around the floor.

"First I need you to help clean up my office which is upstairs. I'll be cleaning the rest while you do that" Lauren nodded, and they made their way up the stairway. Anna Marie showed the office and set to work cleaning the rest of the house. After picking up things from the floor and wiping down counters she vacuumed the rug in the living room. I should probably mop while I'm cleaning anyway. She grabbed the mop and began to clean the hardwood floors that covered the house. Going upstairs she mopped the hallway and caught a glimpse of Lauren in the office still organizing papers. I didn't think she would last this long and here she is in my secret getaway. Why the hell would I bring her here? Shaking her head, she continued her task.

"I finished up with the office do you need anything out here?" Laurens light voice made Anna Marie's stomach dance. Looking down Lauren frowned at the wet floor. "Oh, I didn't realize you just mopped. I can wait for it to dry so I don't leave a trail."

"No, it's fine. Look, come here" Anna Marie swooped up Lauren and cradled her against her chest and walked to the dry downstairs. God, I hope she can't feel my heartbeat. Lauren slid an arm around her neck and clung to her as if in fear of being dropped. Gently setting her on her feet Anna Marie walked away in silence to the patio. What the hell did you do that for? You could have just let her walk across and did it again, she scolded herself. Spotting the moon well in the sky she looked down at her phone and saw that it was a tad past midnight.

"You're welcome to take any one of the guest rooms or I could take you home" she offered as Lauren walked up to her side.

"I don't want you to have to drive at this hour. I should be fine in one of the rooms, thank you" she responded. Anna Marie let out a breath she hadn't realized she held.

"Everything should already be in the room. Just let me know if you need anything"

"I will, good night Ms. Hunter" Lauren murmured. Watching her return inside Anna Marie struggled to get control of her heartrate. Sighing she went to her room for some much-needed sleep.

Anna Marie woke up in her bed and searched her room of anything peculiar. There was a ruffling next door. Lauren. Hurrying to get ready she raced to put on an outfit. Seeing as it was her day off she put on black jeans, a white button-up shirt, and vans. Walking downstairs she turned on the coffee machine and poured two cups. Lauren slowly made her way down and joined her in the kitchen.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked taking a sip.

"I think I slept a little too well. I thought I would accidentally sleep in" Lauren said groggily. "But I do need to get home, so I can freshen up and get to the office." A strange tinge of disappointment hit Anna Marie, but she dismissed it.

"I'll take you home right away" They sat in silence the entire way to Laurens apartment. Once there the overpowering urge to say something was too much to bare.

"Look Ms. Marvel, you have worked for me for six months and I think you've proven yourself" Lauren gave a quizzical look, but there was a spark of interest in her eye. "I would like for you to call me Anna Marie or whatever you see fit. Just no weird nicknames" Anna Marie emphasized the last part of her announcement. Heartrate skyrocketing, she waited for an answer.

"I think that would be great, but I think I will call you Ann. You can call me whatever you want since you're the boss" she shrugged. Ann smiled.

"I've never been called Ann, but I like it" Saying their good byes Ann couldn't help but smile the rest of the day.

Several weeks later they had become closer than expected. Ann called Lauren by her first name, but never around others. Jotting down some notes Ann let out a frustrated sigh.

"Need a break yet?" Lauren walked into the office closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, but I really need to get this done" she groaned. Setting down a cup of coffee Lauren leaned against the desk.

"Why don't you finish it at home? You're more relaxed there anyway" she suggested.

"I guess I could do that" she conceded. They drove to Anna Marie's home once more and went to the office.

"I'll work on the rest of the paperwork to get it done faster" Lauren said. Anna Marie stoke glances at Lauren working beside her. Hours later they were finished, and Lauren got up to leave. Voicing their good bye, a pit formed within Ann's stomach. Why do I have a bad feeling in my stomach? Shaking it off she returned into her home and closed the door.


Lauren got into her car ready to leave Anna Marie's house. I don't want to leave her alone. Shaking her head, she drove off. Maybe a drink will help settle my nerves. Pulling into the parking lot of a small bar she walked inside and sat down. A man sat next to her but was too close for comfort.

"Hey, sweetheart, can I buy you a drink?" he purred. Goosebumps threatened to form on Lauren's arms and not pleasantly.

"No thank you" she said politely.

"Aw, come on. Let me buy you a drink, and then we can have fun later" He leaned toward her letting the scent of alcohol waft from his breath. He reached for Lauren's bottom, but she slapped him hard across the face. He roared in pain and sent Lauren sprawling to the floor with a quick slap back. Lauren's vision blurred, and unconsciousness was near. The last she saw was Ms. Hunter punching the man square in the jaw leaving him in a heap on the floor. She picked Lauren up and silently carried her away. Lauren cuddled into the warmth that now surrounded her and gave into the darkness. 

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