Family Relations

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Lauren wiggled around in her covers and felt something warm pressed against her back. Soft breaths lightly tickled the back of her head. She twisted around to see Ann sound asleep with her arms wrapped around her protectively. She kissed her nose and gently nudged her arm away to get out of bed. It hadn't been the first time they had slept together, but she still had a shyness of Ann seeing her in just a T-shirt and underwear. She felt her cheeks slightly light aflame at the thought. Lauren took a shower in the hotel room and peeked out to see Ann still sleeping. Someone was tired from having too much fun. They took a plane late the night before and had arrived in Europe at nearly one in the morning. Checking into their room they both undressed and immediately fell asleep. The usual wedding night events were forgotten in the lack of slumber. Guess I'll have to change that tonight. She wrapped herself in a towel and went to wake up sleeping beauty. Sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Anna Marie, she shook her shoulder, earning her a grunt. Impatiently she jumped on Ann, straddling her hips, and shook her shoulders a little harder.

"Ann wake up! It's not hibernation time!" Ann opened one eye lazily and then both sprang open at the sight. Lauren laughed and rolled away.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack, waking me up like that?" Ann grumbled, though her tone was playful. Suddenly she tossed away the blanket and jumped on Lauren. "If I'm not mistaken we didn't do a very important tradition last night" she purred. Her legs entangled with Lauren's as she pressed her back to the bed. Lauren could feel her heart begin to race at the sudden contact. She gripped Ann's biceps that tensed under her fingers as they braced her above her. A flicker of pleasure ran through her body at the effect she had on Anna Marie. Here was a scary, controlling, intimating, badass business woman looking scared as hell to touch her. She's my badass business woman. Smiling she grabbed the front of Ann's shirt, dragging her down to her lips. It started as a whisper between them then grew like a raging forest fire. Her hands traveled beneath Ann's shirt and around her back, pulling her closer to her still. Lauren's towel began to unravel, and she paused.

"What's wrong? Too fast?" Concern was etched on her face that sent a wave of guilt through Lauren.

"No, it's not that. I'm just...," she paused before continuing, "I'm just nervous, and a little embarrassed." She could feel the heat radiating from her body. The insecurity that was unknown to her was gnawing away at her soul. What if I'm not good enough? What if I can't make her happy? Something shifted above her pulling her away from her dark thoughts. Anna Marie had enveloped her in a hug and lightly kissed her forehead.

"It's ok to be nervous. How do you think I feel being with a stunning woman that I thought I had no chance with? I'm married to her now!" Lauren looked into those ocean eyes and saw love. I'm stunning? "I love you, Lauren." She whispered declaration sent shock waves coursing through Lauren's body and set it aflame once more. Having the confirmation she needed, her hands worked back over Ann's body with new eagerness.

"I love you too"


Anna Marie felt lightning bolts throughout her body as Lauren ran a hand down her back. A tinge of sadness hit her for a split second before vanishing in another kiss. She was embarrassed I wouldn't want her? An electrical current ran through her veins and she silently made a second declaration. I'll show her just how much I want her. She pressed Lauren into the bed beneath them and raised one of her hands over her head. She nudged Laurens mouth to give her access and gained it almost immediately. Lauren's hands inched her shirt up slowly until they took a breath to take it off. In the blink of an eye they were both stripped of their clothes. Ann's nightwear and Lauren's towel lay scattered on the floor. Ann hungrily looked over Lauren's body and felt a flutter in her stomach. How the hell could she be more attractive? There was a deep scarlet color in Lauren's cheeks that made Ann smile. She kissed her cheeks, teased the corners of her mouth, then her jaw, proceeding down to her neck. I'm really looking forward to the next time we do this...

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