The End

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Ann's POV

Lauren had started getting morning sickness. She was now six months along and she was showing in her belly now. She was actually quite large. Right now I was snuggled up to her back with my arm around her. I lightly rubbed her protruding belly and took in her smell. I placed a kiss in her hair and felt her stir.

"Good morning Wabbit" I whispered. She giggled and interlaced my hand with hers.

"Good morning Flower" she responded quietly.

"I guess we should enjoy mornings like these before the baby comes, huh?" I joked. I felt her foot lightly kick me. "Your feet are freezing!"

"Then warm them, and our child will be a good baby" I felt the butterflies start to flutter. Our child.... I honestly couldnt wait.

"As you wish" Lauren giggled again and called me a dork. After we had gotten out of bed, I got ready for work. A CEO had to be at the office bright and early. I kissed Lauren goodbye and left. I had finally convinced Lauren to stay home and do work from there so she didnt strain herself. While I sat at my desk going through paperwork there was a knock on my door. To my surprise Adaline stood there.

"Adaline. To what do I owe the pleasure" I said with my professional voice. Lauren had told me every detail from the night I had first met her.

"Nothing. Brandi had sent me to tell you that they were having dinner at her and Damiens house. Are you willing to go?" she asked innocently.

"I would, but I'm confused on why she didnt just call" I raised an eyebrow. Adaline then became visibly flustered.

"Maybe she didnt want to bother you?" I eyed her and folded my hands on my desk.

"Well, then thank you for the invitation. You can tell Brandi that a call next time will be fine" I said dismissing her. I wanted nothing to do with the woman. After she left things were slow at the office. I never liked being far from Lauren for too long anyway. When I had gotten home Lauren was in the living room silently sleeping on the couch. Coming home early for me meant 11 o'clock at night. The couch was wide enough to hold the both of us, so I slowly slid next to her. She stirred but didnt wake up. I curled around her protectively and laid a hand on her stomach.

"I cant wait to meet you" I whispered.

"Are you talking to the baby again?" Lauren grumbled. I chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep, my love"

The day was here. I was freaking out. I had driven Lauren to the hospital and now I paced around waiting for them to tell me it was time. Brandi had taken Lauren to walk around a few laps on the floor since I wasnt in the best state. Oh my god I'm having a child today. The thoughts sent various different emotions through me. I finally caught a glimpse of Lauren coming back and she nodded to me. They're here. I rushed to her side and helped her into our room. Being the CEO of Supercorp had given me the perks of having everything taken care of at the snap of a finger.

10 excruciating hours later our daughter was born. What we hadn't expected was having double. Having twins was the most exciting present ever given to me.

Kara Hunter and Lena Hunter were born October 4.

Adaline was caught working with Taylor. Thankfully they were both put on restraining orders. I didnt want to take any chances.

Lauren's POV

Holding Kara in my arms was the most amazing feeling in the world. I looked over to Ann who held Lena. Tears of joy came to my eyes. I am just so grateful to not only have married my soulmate, my CEO, but to have her give me these gifts as well. I placed a soft kiss on top of Kara's fuzzy head and saw blue-ish eyes stare back me. I still couldnt believe that these were my daughters. I couldnt believe that this was my wife. Anna Marie Hunter. The CEO.

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