✰ 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 • 01

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"I'm s-sorry b-but I c-can't ju-just g-g-give y-you m-my num-m-mber!"

"It's just your number sweetkins, it won't hurt though~" He tightened his grip around her wrist.

"Oh but your cheek will." You said.

He turned around and was surprised by your fist suddenly punched his cheek, making his vision fuzzy and his body fell on the floor. He grunted in pain as he massaged his swollen cheek.

Then you turned your gaze to the blonde girl with a star hairclip on her hair, she got teary eyes and in any minute, she will cry. You saw her friends are coming and the guy was about to sit up but you pushed him down using your foot.

"Asshole." You said with a cold voice before walking away.


You plunged the straw inside of the carton of your [flavor] milk drink and start sipping through it then you walked inside of the cafeteria; looking for something to eat.

"Yachi-san, was that the girl who saved you yesterday, [l/n]-san, isn't it?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Oh my go-goodness! I forgot to thank her but I don't have the courage to talk her right now." Yachi blushed.

"Oi lamp post." Tsukishima called a certain [h/c]-haired girl. By the tone of his voice; he really want to ruin someone's beautiful day.

You frowned and turned your head to his direction and saw him walking towards you with Yamaguchi; along with the small cute blonde girl.

"What do you want, Saltyshima?" You asked with a hint of annoyance in your tone.

Saltyshima? Yachi thought; tilting her head in curiousity.

"She want to tell you something." Smartass blonde responded and nudged Yachi closer to you.

Yachi shuddered when she saw how tall you are in a closer look.

"T-T-Thank you for yesterday!" She said and bowed.

You noticed her cute star hairclip again and even remembered her terrified expression yesterday.

She's cute when she's scared. You mentally chuckled.

"It was nothing. Just tell me if he start bothering you again and I'll handle him." You responded.

"And what? You'll punch him on his cheek and get scolded by the principal again?" Tsukishima smirked.

She was scolded by the principal? Was it because of me? Oh my goodness! Yachi thought.

"Mind your own business, Saltyshima." You said before walking away.

Yamaguchi looked at his beloved friend and saw the expression he was making.

That's rare, Tsukki. He thought and a smile crept on his face.

"What are you smiling at, Yamaguchi-kun?" Yachi asked the smiling freckled boy.

The said boy flinched, "N-Nothing Yachi-san!" He respond.

"Probably because he was happy to see that lamp post in a closer look." Tsukishima commented.

"Of course not Tsukki~" Yamaguchi said with a reassuring tone.

"So you know her, Tsukishima-kun?" Yachi asked.

"Yeah. She's my classmate, the annoying troublemaker one." Tsukishima responded.

Well you see, [y/n] and Tsukishima doesn't get along in class- most of the times. [y/n] is sitting to his front desk and sometimes when he was bored, he likes to pull [y/n]'s hair; causing her to wince in pain and Tsukishima will tell her that her head was blocking his view specially when he was copying notes from the board.

There are times too that Tsukishima will slightly kick [y/n]'s chair for no reason and he will throw a small piece of paper at the back of her head; making the [e/c] eyed girl irked and yelled at the blonde.

"Stupid Tsukishima for ruining my wonderful day!" You mumbled, "Oh wait, since when did I have a wonderful one?"

You sighed then you walked inside of your classroom and noticed Tsukishima is already there; sitting on his chair with his beloved somy headphones around his neck.

Oh great! You thought and rolled your eyes before sitting on your chair, I hope he don't ruin my already-ruined day again. Well, thanks to him!

"Oi lamp post." He boredly called you.

"What do you want now?!" You groaned then you turned around to face him, "And it's [l/n] not lamp post!"

"Tsukishima not Saltyshima." Smartass blonde retorted before throwing a small crumpled paper straight to your face.

This guy-! I swear to crow! You scowled before picking up the paper.

You turned around and put the paper to your desk; wondering if he was just pulling a prank or not; wondering whether you should open it or not.

"What is this?"

"Exactly what it is."

"Tsukishima, I swear to-!"

"That was from Yachi-san. I just crumpled it to piss you off and guess what, I did." He responded and by his tone; you already know he was smirking.

You opened the paper and Yachi's handwriting surprised you. It was neat and simple, you want to keep it but the crumples ruined it, all thanks to Tsukishima I'm-so-great-don't-talk-to-me Kei.

Hi [l/n]-chan, this is Yachi Hitoka. Thank you again! I hope you don't mind if I want to be your friend. Kiyoko-san also want to meet you, she's really nice. Feel free to visit the gym, the boys won't mind.

- Yachi

A smile formed to your lips, "I should see Yamaguchi-kun right now." You said then you stand up.

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow, Yamaguchi? He thought.

"Oi, where are you going? Trying to skip math class huh?" He asked while his brows are furrowing.

You turned your gaze to him, "Tsukishima, are you my mom?" You asked with a small smile on your face; probably a teasing one.


You scoffed when you saw his expression then you leave the classroom.


[ Author's Note ] :

Ayeeeee~ I hope you liked this chapter one! hehehe~

I luvv salteeshima what about chu?

Anyway, if u luvv Semisemi just like I do, u can check out my x reader book for him #selfpromote hehe~

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 ; tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now