✰ 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 • 06

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You keep tapping your foot impatiently; waiting for a certain blonde to leave the classroom. You are planning to steal his headphones and hide it- just a little revenge for his stupid pranks the other day.

A smirk formed to your lips when he stand up from his seat then start making his way outside of the room and when he's nowhere to be seen, you head to his desk and opened his bag- there you saw his beloved headphones.

Your inner self laughed wickedly as you pulled it out slowly and carefully.

"What the crap are you doing?"

You blinked your eyes and looked up; [e/c] orbs meeting the honey ones. Tsukishima is looking at you with a don't-you-fucking-dare look which is you haven't seen before, not even once. You straightened up and took a step back before grabbing your bag.

"Stealing your headphones." You responded.

A tick mark appeared on his forehead. Tsukishima was about to grab you but you managed to dodge his hand then you stucked out your tongue at him before you scurried outside of the room and run through the hallway.

You classmates started to murmur when you stole his headphones. Well, no one had ever plan to touch, borrow or steal it but you just did.


Running through the cafeteria, there you saw the boys.

"Is that [l/n]-san?" Nishinoya tilted his head.

They looked at you when you stopped in front of them; panting a bit.

"[l/n]-chan, why were you running so fast?" Yachi asked.

You laughed and showed them Tsukishima's headphones. Their eyes goes wide; the third years doesn't know if they should laugh and congratulate you or pray for you poor soul.

Oh no, Tsukki! Yamaguchi thought.

"No way! You stole that from Tsukishima?!" Tanaka asked in disbelief.

You nodded your head, "Hinata-kun, could you take my bag with you?" You asked.

"Sure a thing. Just don't forget to fetch it." Hinata smiled and you smiled back.

"Oi lamp post!" You heard Tsukishima from afar.

You flinched, "Gotta blast, see you guys later." You said then you run off.

Tsukishima clicked his tongue and followed after you; running past by his team mates with annoyance painted on his face. They blinked their eyes before bursting into laughters-excluding the freckled boy.

He's super annoyed. You thought and you keep running through the hallway, I know there's a vacant room here somewhere.

You found it and head inside; closing the door after. You sit down and leaned your back on the wall while catching your breath.

It was worth to see it. His stupid annoyed face, it was funny. You mentally chuckled.

While yourself is busy rejoicing; the door opened. Slowly, your eyes goes wide and looked up at the certain tall blonde man who's looking down at you.

"Oh hi there~" You smiled then you immediately stand up tp escape but he grabbed your arm.

"Give me that." Tsukishima growled.

You smirked then took a step back and your back met the teacher's desk.

"Nope, sorry not sorry." You responded.

Tsukishima was about to grab his headphones but you dodged it away from him; making him clicked his tongue in annoyance and you just mockingly laughed at him. Tsukishima tugged a small smirk when an idea came up to his sharp mind. He put his hands next to your each sides; caging you with his tall figure.

"O-Oi!" You scowled as you looked at him; barely towering you.

Tsukishima looked down at you, "Give me that back or I will kiss you." He threatened.

"You won't even dare, Saltyshima." You smirked and held his headphones higher.

You were too confident that he wouldn't even do that. Tsukishima smirked and held to your wrist before pressing his soft lips against yours.

Your eyes goes wide and you can feel your heart is racing like a wild mammal while your cheeks already flared up. You can't even react nor you aren't budging; your thoughts panic.

Tsukishima travelled his hand up to your palm; carefully getting his headphones from your hand. He pulled away; straightening his body and noticed your flushed face.

You covered your lips with the back of your hand and glared at him.

"I dared, so?" Tsukishima smirked.

You blushed even more, "Wh-whatever, you damn annoying four-eyes!" You stand up from the desk before walking away from him.

You blushed even more, "Wh-whatever, you damn annoying four-eyes!" You stand up from the desk before walking away from him

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"It's [l/n]-san." Sugawara smiled but they flinched when they saw you walking towards them with an unexplainable expression written on your face.

"[l/n]-chan, y-your face is all r-red!" Yachi nervously exclaimed.

"What happened to you and where's Tsukishima?" Hinata asked as he gave you back your bag.

You cracked a small smile, "Thanks Hinata-kun." You said.

Then they saw Tsukishima is coming with his headphones around his neck then he looked at you and smirked.

"Aw~ Don't be embarrassed beanstalk." Tsukishima teased before walking away.

You clicked your tongue and they saw your face gets red even more.

"Are you okay?" Tanaka asked.

You nodded your head, "mmmm barely." You responded.

"[l/n]-san, what happened?! Are you sure you're okay?!" Sugawara panicked.

You nodded your head again and told them it was nothing and you just got tired of running. You don't want to tell them what happened between you and Tsukishima because for you it was embarrassing.

Damn that four-eyes! You thought.


[ a/n ] :

nggghhh! i'm sorry if tsukki was ooc. gomen gomen ;A;
i did my best though.

++ any feedback or thoughts about the story or the book? :)

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 ; tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now