✰ 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 • 07

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A sigh escaped from your lips as you keep playing the pen with your fingers; annoyed at the fact you are sitting acrossed to tsukishima who is busy scribbling down on a paper.

You were supposed to be avoiding him but your oh-so-great teacher partnered you up with the blonde.

"What writing is this, idiot? It's barely readable." Tsukishima asked; disgusted by your sloppy handwriting.

"Why thanks four-eyes, you really have a nice writing by the way." You said then you rolled your eyes.

"Tch! You even barely answered three questions and have me to do the rest." Tsukishima said then he rolled his eyes; mimicking you.

"Ah whatever. You're smart, so just finish it already then we're done." You groaned.

Being smart he is, it didn't took him 10 minutes to finished it. Tsukishima straightened up his body and sighed. You rested your chin on your palm then you looked at him and saw he removed his eyeglasses.

A huge blush crept on your cheeks; he looks good without it.

"What are you looking at?" He asked;quite annoyed. Within a minute, he put his eyeglasses back.

You looked away, "You kinda looked cute withour your eyeglasses." You said; almost a whisper.

"What was that?" Tsukishima asked then he leaned over the desk.

"I said, I have to go home." You responded and turned your head to face him; only to find your face are just inches away from him.

Tsukishima's pair of honey eyes met the [e/c] ones. You two are staring with each other and the sounds of your beating hearts can almost be heard. Your eyes looked down to his lips and you swallowed the lump on your throat. Slowly, his face is leaning closer while you're doing the same.

"[l/n]-san~! Tsukki~!" Yamaguchi's voice boomed.

You and Tsukishima pulled away on time and it was a good thing that yamaguchi had his eyes closed but he noticed you and his friend's flustered face.

"Eh? What happened?" Freckled boy asked.

You awkwardly chuckled, "N-nothing! say Yamaguchi-kun, should we get some yummy ice cream popsicles with Nishinoya-senpai and Tanaka-senpai? I really need to eat something cold." You suggested.

"Sounds great, [l/n]-san." Yamaguchi said then smiled.

"Great~ I'll go get them so see you outside." You said then you grabbed your bag before leaving the room and your mind recalled about what happened.


Slowly, his face is leaning closer to you while you're doing the same. Tsukishima held to your chin and in a blinked of an eye, his lips touched yours. You both closed your eyes and your hand travels its way to his hand, almost intertwining your fingers with his slender ones.

And there it is again, you can feel the foreign feeling again.


You gripped to your hair and bit your bottom lip; still flustered because of what happened between you and Tsukishima. Your heart still beating fast than its normal ones.

"Damn it! Now how am I able to face him tomorrow?" You groaned.

"Who [l/n]-san?" Nishinoya asked and next to him is Tanaka.

You flinched, "Nishinoya-senpai! Tanaka-senpai! Let's go get buy some ice cream popsicles, shall we?" You asked; cracking a small smile.

"Sure~!" They both smiled, "ah you too, Tsukishima?"

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 ; tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now