✰ 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 • 05

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one week later :

"As for your detention of interrupting the class, clean the storage room!" Your teacher yelled.

He/she slid the door closed. You blinked your eyes and so as Tsukishima then a heavy sigh came out from your mouth; feeling annoyed at the blonde guy next to you.

"This is your fault." You muttered, "Wait for my revenge, you damn four-eyes."

"No one ask." Tsukishima plainly said then he walked away; making his way in the storage room.

You rolled your eyes, "Stupid Saltyshima! If you didn't pull some stupid pranks, we are probably studying inside." You grumbled.

"Well, your stupid scared face was worth seeing for." Tsukishima smirked.

You blushed in embarrassment and stomped off inside of the storage room; mumbling something under your breath.

Tsukishima closed the door behind and you looked around the storage room. It's filthy- boxes and books scattered around; there's even a spider webs in every corner and dust on tables.

"I hate cleaning." You groaned then you grabbed the cleaning supplies from the dusty cabinet.

You grimaced, "Ugh! Even the cleaning supplies are dirty." You said.

"Stop complaining, unless you want to use your bare hands as a cleaning material." Tsukishima clicked his tongue.

"Whatever Saltyshima." You rolled your eyes.

You dust the bookshelves with a feather duster

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You dust the bookshelves with a feather duster. The floor is already cleaned, thanks to a certain salty blonde for his consideration.

As you dust the bookshelves, you noticed a moving tail near the books. You squinted your eyes and saw it's color black and long, then you remember Tsukishima pulled a rat prank on you during class.

"Stop pulling a prank on me again, Saltyshima!" You hissed.

"Are you stupid? What the hell are you talking about?" You looked at Tsukishima; he was carrying box of books and he put it down on the table.

His brows are furrowing; waiting for you to say something. Your eyes goes wide as you looked back at the tail again, it was a rat who's looking at you.

"A r-rat!" You shrieked and run towards Tsukishima.

But being clumsy today; you did a clichè thing. You got tripped by your own legs and fell on Tsukishima's top. Your arms to his sides and your face is just inches away from him.

"What the-" Tsukishima trailed off when his pair of golden eyes met your [e/c] ones.

A blush crept on your cheeks and somehow, you feel your heart is beating fast than its normal ones. A foreign feeling started to build inside of you and it was weird, because you don't know if it was annoyance or embarrassment.

"S-Sorry!" You stammered then you immediately stand up.

Tsukishima clicked his tongue and he stand up as well; patting the invisible dust away from his uniform. You bit your bottom lip and he looked at you with his scowling face.

"For a lamp post like you, you sure a coward." He commented.

You turned around, "It was a rat and it was disgusting." You responded.

"Your face is red." Tsukishima smirked.

"S-So wh-what?!" You raised an eyebrow.

Tsukishima walked closer to you, "Why are you stuttering like an idiot? Are you embarrassed?" He asked.

Your back met the wall while his figure is barely towering you.

"Why would I be embarrassed?" You asked and looked at him.

Tsukishima leaned his arm next to your head and he slowly leaned his face closer to you. Turning red even more; you can feel his nose is barely touching yours while you can feel his breath against your lips and there it is again, you can feel your heart stomping fast again.

Swallowing the lump on your throat; you opened your mouth.

"t-tsukishima..." You managed to say.

Blonde boy pulled away and laughed, "See? You're embarrassed, idiot.'' He teased.

"Shut up, you annoying salt!" You hissed and you grabbed the feather duster; walking away from him.

Stupid Tsukishima, making fun of me! You annoyingly thought and glanced at him, he's arranging the books from the box and you continue to curse him under your breath.

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 ; tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now