✰ 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 • 06 [0.2]

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It's been three days since you started avoiding Tsukishima of having a banter with him. You never looked to his direction nor acknowledged his presence- at least.

Whenever he tries to annoy you, he would just ended up receiving a small "whatever" from you; just wanting to avoid him at all cost but he doesn't seemed to notice that you're avoiding him.

Ever since that day, you don't know how to face or talk to him. You still feel embarrassed of how your cheeks flushed when he kissed you.

Though at some point it was annoying, you felt the foreign feeling again; the one you have felt when you two had a detention and cleaned the storage room.

You sighed deeply and focused on the teacher in front while he pulled out his class record.

"Okay, today I'm going to leave a group assignment for you class. The group shall be two members only. Listen carefully so you are aware who is your partner." Your teacher announced.

"Sayaka and Haruhiko."


"Kohada and Satsuki."


"[l/n] and Tsukishima."


You blinked your eyes with a what-the-f*ck-are-you-kidding-me smile painted on your face.

"[l/n] and Tsukishima!"

"Yes." You both responded.

Uhm excuse me? I'm avoiding him so why is he my partner?! You thought in frustration.

Groaning in annoyance; you buried your face in your arms. Preparing yourself about what to unfold when you two start doing the group assignment.

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 ; tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now