✰ 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 • 11

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"You're so annoying, you freaking four-eyes!" You exclaimed.

Tsukishima "accidentally" poured a [flavor] milk on your P.E. uniform and that's why you turned into a raging potato; ranting in front of your boyfriend.

"Look who's speaking." Tsukishima smugly teased.

You groaned and stomped off your feet; walking towards the bench while cursing under your breath.

"That's okay [l/n]-san. Just change a new shirt." Sugawara said; trying to calm you down.

"But I don't have extra shirt." You sighed.

Sugawara smiled before walking towards the tall blonde boy.

"Hey... Tsukishima, could you lend your extra shirt for [l/n]? Since you accidentally spilled your drink to her shirt." The silver-haired man asked.

You froze and blushed like a red tomato. Tsukishima's brows turned into a frowning one and since it was his senior asking, he couldn't help but to lend his extra shirt.

"Just make sure she'll return it neat and clean." Tsukishima said.

Sugawara smiled, "Thank Tsukishima." He said and walks back towards the [e/c] eyed girl.

"Sugawara-senpai, you don't have to-"

"Shush Y/N-chan, he's not going to kill you unless you didn't return the shirt clean. Now go and change." Sugawara smiled.

You nodded your head, "Y-Yes... Thanks senpai." You said before walking away.

You looked at the mirror and saw yourself wearing your boyfriend's shirt

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You looked at the mirror and saw yourself wearing your boyfriend's shirt. You leaned your nose and starts smelling it.

It smells... good.

Yoy take out your phone from your bag and took a mirror selfie.

Hehe~ I'm wearing Tsukkisaurus' shirt, hehe~

Going back to gym, you put down your bag on the bench and saw Tsukishima is looking at you.

"What are you looking at?" You asked, "Do I look cute wearing your shirt?"

"Idiot." Tsukishima mumbled before looking away.

Your eyes goes wide when you noticed his ears are red. Could it be that he is blushing?

"Awwww Tsukishima, you're blushing~!"

"Shut the hell up."

"The two seemed pretty weird today

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"The two seemed pretty weird today." Tanaka commented.

"What do you mean weird?" Nishinoya asked.

"They seemed to get closer than before." Tanaka responded.

"Maybe they're just getting along." Daichi said with a small smile painted on his face.

" Daichi said with a small smile painted on his face

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note :

I'm sorry for the crappy & short chapter ;<

2 more chapters to go & this book will come to its end.

Anyway, thank you very much for the reads, votes & positive comments! ♡ Thank you very much for supporting this book! I love y'all xoxo.

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐤𝐢 ; tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now