Chapter 11

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Dippers pov

"So we are the triplets Bill, Will, and Quill cipher, "the blonde smiled and thank god he pointed at which one of hem was who when he said the names. "I'm Dipper Pines and the girl who i sung with was my sister Mable pines and if you didn't hear we are twins and the blonde was her girlfriend pacifica-, "i was cut off by mable yelling pines. I rolled my eyes. "You two aren't married, "i yelled back. "Not yet, "i could picture her smirk when she said that. I sighed. The males chuckled. I looked up. "So pine tree what are you learning to be, "Bill moved closer to my face. I blushed. "I-um.. Me and my sister are gonna become the best detectives ever, "i smiled. "Okay then detect what kind of college boy i am, "Quill smirked and snaked his arm around my waist. "Your the short tempered playboy who likes taking things from his brothers And never says his true feelings out loud, "i smirked. He looked at me in shock. "That sums him up, "will whispered in my ear. I giggled and all of them looked star struck. "W-what, "i questioned. "Beautiful, "Will smiled. "Hot, "bill smirked. "It was nothing, "Quill looked away. I gave them all questioning looks. (Guys i changed this to a billquillwilldip on all pure accident and i actually don't hate it)
"Hey we should go out sometime, "Bill smirked. "All four of us, "i questioned. "N-, "bill was stopped by wills hand being slapped over his mouth. "Yes all four of us you see us triplets are a package deal, "Will smiled. I nodded. "Well give you your phones, "i smiled. Bill pulled out his that had a yellow triangle with a closed eye. I put my number in it. Quills had a red triangle with an open eye and i put my number in and handed it back. Wills had a blue triangle with one crying eye, i put my number in and gave it back. "Cute cases, "i smiled and handed Quill my phone first. My case was just a pine tree. They passed it along then handed it back to me. "Okay well dipper has to go, "Mable smiled and pulled me off of the couch but i landed. "Mable you could have asked me to get up., "i growled. "That's no fum. N, "she smiled. I growled and was about to attack her but Pacifica gave me that crazy girlfriend look and i calmed down. "Later Cipher's, "i smiled and waved as i dragged mable away. Bill winked, Quill smirked, and Will smiled and waved. (smile and wave boys just smile and wave... Sorry i'll go)

I woke up from my alarm and got ready for class. I was so glad i didn't get drunk yesterday. I can hold my liquor better than some people. I kicked mable out of bed and she held her head in pain. "Can't hold your liquor can ya, "i smirked. She groaned and left to get changed. I waited for her to hurry up. We walked down to the cafe and got breakfast. Wr had an hour before class so we decided to meet up at the cafe with Pacifica just for breakfast. I was bored so i was scrolling through my phone before i got a text/picture from Quill. I opened it to see a picture of him shirtless and smirking at the camera. I held my nose so it wouldn't bleed.


Quill set you a photo

Me-That's a nice morning wake up call

Quill-did you not like it :(

Me-i never said i didn't it just surprised me

Quill-just making sure you know what your missing right now;)

You sent a photo to Quill

Me-this is all your missing

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Me-this is all your missing

Quill-you look hot

Me-you look hotter

Quill-fine you look cute/hot

Me-you look cuter/hotter

Quill-i will come beat you with love if you don't stop

Me-but you are

Quill-that's it where are you

Me-the cafe~ see you in a few because you are cutter and hotter

I turned off my phone and smiled. Mable poked my cheek. "Who died, "i jumped up. "Why are you blushing and smiling at your phone, "pacifica smirked. "You'll see soon, "i smirked and sipped my coffee(tea) and watched their confused glances. I heard the door bell ring and someone barge in. I looked over to see a sexy sweaty Quill. He walked over to me and kissed me. I was shocked but i kissed back. "Your the cute one here, "he smirked. "No i'm not, "i smirked back. He growled and kissed me again. I quickly kissed back. "Damn that's hot, "i heard a familiar voice say. I looked over to see Bill grinning and Will smiling. I broke me and Quills heated kiss and gave them questioning looks. "Don't question it, "Bill smirked and walked up to me. He bent down and kissed me. I kissed back. He nipped at my bottom lip but i didn't give him what he wanted. He broke the kiss and pouted at me but before i could do anything a certain blue haired male pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back. He grabbed my waist as he kissed me. He broke the kiss and playfully licked my bottom lip. I purred on accident. I covered my mouth and looked away embarrassed. He made me look at him and remove my hand. "That was hot, "Quill whispered in my ear. "Do it again, "Bill cooed. Will smirked and licked my bottom lip playfully and it caused me to purr again.(guys i on an accidently swiped on my keyboard and in all caps STDS popped up and i died of laughter for a solid 8 minutes and my sister woke up pissed btw its like 2am rn) I grabbed wills face and pushed it closer to mine. I smirked and licked his lips playfully. He smirked. (Guys chill you met yesterday.. Doesn't mean im not gonna make you guys fuck in the cafe... Hailey no... Okay :( i wont) "Okay guys chill, "Pacifica giggled. I looked over to see mable bleeding out of her nose bad and pacifica smirking at me. "My twin senses are tingling, "Mable mumbled. "Now you know how i feel when you kiss Pacifica, "i giggled. "Wait really, "she questioned. "No i was joking, "i laughed. Will sat beside me and bill moved me and sat down but pulled me into his lap. Quill stood beside me. I looked up at him and winked at him. He growled playfully and i giggled. "Didn't you guys like just meet yesterday, "Pacifica questioned. "Doesn't mean they wouldn't fuck in this cafe, "Mable giggled. I blushed and buried my face in bill's neck. "I don't know what it is and i think my brothers can back me up when i say this but it feels like we have know dipper for years and we could already call him ours, "Will smiled and i felt bill nod. I looked up. "I feel the same way, "i smiled. Mable wiggled her eyebrows at me and i went back into hiding. "We should get to class dipping dots, "mable smiled. "Dipping dots"Bill looked at me. I sheepishly grinned and pecked his lips. "I have to go... Plus you guys can call me your boyfriend if i can call you my boyfriends, "i smiled. They nodded. I got off bills lap and pecked quill and will's lips before leaving with my sister. (Yep i did that idky i did but i did)

I can't find my blanket and im colddddd

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