Chapter 20

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Bill's pov

I walk into the room happily chatting with my brothers when i notice Dippers not there.I scan the area."Where is he, "Quill asked." I'll Call him, "Will sighed before dialing his number.We waited a few moments as his eyes grew wide." What is it, "I asked." This phone has been disconnected, "He growled and threw the phone across the room.I looked down at the bed to see his hoodie.I picked it up and a note fell out.I opened it.

Bill, Will, and Quill

I had an emergency and had to leave with Mabel.We wont be back for a while or maybe even ever...if i l can i will make sure at least Mabel makes it back.I love you and the time we shared was fun.I hope your memories come back like mine are now.Good bye

Dipper, Pine Tree, Dip

I crumpled up the note and shoved it in my pocket." Remember what damn it, "I growled.My hands began to glow a faint blue color." WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER, "I yelled.Will flinched and Quill backed up a little.I felt my eyes begin to burn." I'm coming for you pine tree, "I growled and grabbed his hoodie before running out the door.

Dippers pov

" Are we there yett, "Mabel groaned.I sighed." It has been fucking 10 hours and it is a day and a half drive okay so shut it, "I growled.She sighed and leaned her head back.I suddenly felt pain in my back.I screamed in agony and immediately stopped the car.I was so glad we were on back roads.Mabel shot up.I yelled as a part of my shirt went up in blue flames burning away the fabric.I am so glad i was not wearing bills hoodie.Mabel looked shocked." W-what is it, "I groaned as i tried not to scream in pain again.I looked over at the window to see a yellow and blue light glowing on my back.A pounding headache took over as i screamed in pure pain.The memories of when the mark first showed up to the last time i checked it all appeared in my brain." Bill's coming, "I groaned in pain." H-how do you know that, "She questioned." Here let me see your hand and i will help you remember.I grabbed her hand that she so kindly gave up.I squeezed it as my hand glowed green and hers glowed purple.Our eyes began to flicker as the memories of the trials flooded our minds.(so i have been spelling Mabel's name wrong so im going back and fixing all the chapters)

When it was over, I began driving again but it was hard because i really wanted to pass out but we had no time for that.I had 37 hours to get there and if Bill is coming then i need to move fast.I sped up a little over the speed limit.More like i was going 80 in a 50 mph area but i was determined.

With Bill speeding behind them, Will the twins make it to gravity falls and remember everything and finish what they started?Find out next chapter

Dipper-Will we remember

Bill-you can always remember my dick-

Dipper-(0////0)Shut it


Pacifica-Yeah mabel likes getting things shoved up her ass

Me-ok please stop im trying to make this dramatic not all about sex

Pacifica-i was talking about shoving my foot up her ass to shut her up

Mabel-im a loud mouth

Dipper-tell me about it

Will-wait didn't me and Quill go with Bill


Will-DID WE??

Quill-Who knows

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