3 - Denial

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"Don't worry Elena I'll be careful." she laughed. "Care. I'm serious! He's dangerous" Elena said with worry that her friend was joking. "Elena He doesn't seem dangerous. Daniel's going out with his sister i'm sure if he was dangerous my mother wouldn't allow it." Caroline said. 'Could he really be dangerous?' she thought at the same time. "Yeah and i worry about him all the time he's with her. She's a vampire Caroline and don't give me that crap saying you don't believe in it all 'cause i know you do!" she sounded scared, yelling at a high-pitched tone. "Yeah i know!" Caroline yelled back. "How do you know?!" Elena yelled not as high that time. "Because they were there when i got to the house. Okay?" Caroline replied calmly. "Wait! Who's they?" her friend asked in shock. "Rebekah and Nik. Why? They seem fine. No threat there Elena." Caroline tried to reassure her friend. "Oh Caroline! 'Nik' really?! That's who killed Jenna! God!" Caroline pulled the car over "I don't believe it! I won't. He seemed so kind and caring from what we were talking about last night." She got out of the car slamming the door shut soon followed by Elena. "Caroline! If you knew half of what he's done you wouldn't even have let him in." She sounded so disappointed in her friend. "Yeah? And if you knew half of what he told me you would be explaining a lot to me right now." She turned her back and sighed. "What did he tell you?" Elena asked. "About Bonnie, You and the brothers, what my brother is and what he and his family are too." Caroline turned back around and gave her friend a look. "Yeah did he tell you of all the bad stuff he's done?" her friend replied. Caroline shook her head. Her friend stood there in the middle of the deserted road and told her version of what happened. Caroline couldn't believe it, she wouldn't believe it. She raised her head to the beautiful sun setting sky as a few tears escaped her eyes. She thought she'd fallen in love. But instead she'd fallen in love with a monster. "I can't believe it Elena. I won't." But what she said was true it was too late no matter what Elena or anyone else said her heart loved Nik. Even though she only knew him a day when she first looked at him it was like she'd known him for years.

'So what do i do now? Do i go and confront Nik or do i just ignore him' she thought. He'd left his address and number next to her house phone in case she needed him. And she did she needed him to tell her the truth and not to lie like what he did. She approached his door and knocked on it. "Caroline? What a surprise! Can i help you?" Rebekah answered the door. "Is Nik here?" She replied. "Yeah sure, common in." Rebekah said allowing her into the home. "NIK!" she yelled "Caroline's here!" minutes later Nik came down the stairs. "Hello love. How'd it go with Elena?" he asked 'Love so i'm love now not Caroline?' she thought to herself. "Can we talk?" She asked ignoring his question. "Sure. Common" he agreed leading her up the stairs and into his study.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked innocently. "Why did you lie?" She said only loud enough for him to hear. "Elena told me what you did." She then said. "Caroline-" He started. "I thought you were telling me the truth. But you didn't you only told part of the story." She was trying really hard not to break down in tears. "Caroline I was going to tell you but you trusted me by telling me what happened to your school. You opened up to me and i just didn't want to hurt you i-" Caroline cut him off "You didn't want to hurt me why? Why not just tell me the truth?" she asked. "Because i think i maybe falling in love with you and i was going to later on after you went to see Elena and then it clicked. She would've told you. Caroline, I'm sorry" Caroline broke down in tears "It's okay that you didn't tell me but why did you do it in the first place?" she sobbed "I don't know. Caroline you have to understand I've been a vampire for centauries now But when i saw you and got to know you... You've brought my humanity back out. It's not showed itself since i was turned." She sat down on a seat and he kneeled down in front of her. "Caroline. Please just being around you makes me wish i was human again. Please don't side with them." He had sadness in his eyes. "Nik, they're my friends and you hurt them." She looked up at him. "I know and for that I'm so sorry." she jumped up and gave him a hug she didn't even know what came over her. "I think i love you." She murmured into his neck. She pulled away. "But i can't.." she said, her voice all shaky. "Why not?" She hated it when Nik sounded sad. She shook her head "You don't have a reason do you? So therefore it can't be wrong, can it?" She kissed him and he embraced it.

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