11 - A New Life

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Nik wiped the tears from his eyes before going into the room. He had to brace himself for what he would see. It was worse that he could've imagined: Caroline Forbes, who was once so enthusiastic and full of light with so much beauty, was now lying on the bed as if she were in a coffin, covered in blood and was pale and cold. She was dead and in just a few minutes she would wake up craving the one thing she wouldn't be able to control: blood. She would be part vampire and everyone would hate him for it but he didn't care she wouldn't have to turn anymore; she wouldn't have to go through excruciating pain any longer. She could be as happy as she was before and that is the one thing she wished for more than anything.

She eventually woke up "Hello my love." Nik whispered softly. "Here you go." He then said handing her the cup of her friends' blood. She sat up and took it, not saying anything. "Are you okay?" he asked after she'd taken a few sips "Yeah." She murmured only loud enough for him to hear. She placed the cup carefully on the table beside the bed. "Come here." She said showing a weak smile at him pulling Nik closer so she could give him a hug. She snuggled into Nik's chest when there was a little knock at the door, Rebekah peaked her head round and Nik signalled her to come in. "I'm okay before you ask" Caroline said this caused Rebekah to smile at the pair. "I Love You." He whispered softly kissing Caroline's forehead. "I love you too." She replied in the same way giving him a peck on the lips before he left the friends to talk.

Rebekah pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed. From who she'd seen so far they were both worried about her even though she had assured everyone she was fine. "Are you sure?" Rebekah asked her friend, not convinced she was. Caroline shot her friend a 'don't dare' look Rebekah held up her hands in defence not saying a word.

The girls came down the stairs laughing when Nik came out of the living room "What's so funny?" he chuckled once. "Nothing." Caroline said smiling skipping down the last couple of stairs towards him. There was a knock at the door "It's Elena." Rebekah whispered taking a look "And Bonnie." She said. Caroline sat down on the bottom step "Caroline?" Nik suddenly got worried. "They're going to hate me!" her voice sounding like she was going to cry. "No she won't!" a voice called, it was Elena's. "Just because we're outside and you're inside doesn't mean we can't hear you." Bonnie said as Rebekah opened the door. Nik stroked Caroline's hair then signalled Rebekah to follow him leaving Caroline with her friends. Bonnie walked towards her giving her a hug even though she knew her friend would crave blood. Caroline pushed her friend away gently "I'm sorry" she said quickly before belting up the stairs "Caroline!" Elena called after her which made Nik come and see what was going on. "What happened?" he asked calmly. "Nothing! I don't know... i gave her a hug and she pushed me away apologized and ran away" Bonnie explained.

A few minutes later Nik was up the stairs following the sound of banging. Nik went to his bedroom door opened it and saw Caroline throwing stuff "Caroline" He said walking towards her. "Come here" he said taking her hands and sitting her down on the bed with him. She placed her head on his shoulder. "I can't even give my friend a hug without wanting to rip her head off." She moaned Nik chuckled. "It's not funny Nik!" he stroked the side of her face "It's going to take time, Love. You can't learn how to control the cravings in half a day." Nik said with sympathy. He knew what it was like trying to keep control around humans. "Then how long will it take?" she sniffed trying to hold back tears. "I don't know. But I'm here I'm not going to go anywhere. I'll help you through this, I promise you." Nik reassured her. She wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you" she said and gave his a kiss. "Now common love. You're friend's are here to see you." He said taking her right hand forcing her to stand and walk whether she wanted to or not. She got as far as the top of the stairs "No Nik I... can't..." Caroline stuttered. "I can't go down there." Caroline she then said finishing her sentence as she saw her friends still stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey. Just take a deep breath and relax." He ordered her; she did what she was told. "You okay now?" he asked with his serious face. She nodded unsurely but that was enough for him to lead her down the stairs. "Elena... Bonnie." Nik nodded his head twice once at each of them. He lifted Caroline's hand forcing him in front of him and let it go before walking off he kept looking back. His siblings were in the living room "Keep an eye on Caroline please." He said about to leave out the back door. "Where are you going?" Kol asked with a smile. "Out. I don't want Caroline to be left on her own for a long time with them." Nik replied he didn't even want to leave her alone for a minute.

Every moment Nik was away his mind was only on Caroline he began to think maybe it was a bad idea that he'd turned her after all he'd only thought about the wolf curse not the vampire curse but he believed in her with all his heart that he would get through it all it would take was time then she would be fine. But Caroline was very impatient and found it hard to control her tempter as a human let alone being a vampire with heightened emotions.

"Nik!" he knew that voice right away, Caroline. "Caroline!" he called back. He started to panic 'why isn't she answering back?' he thought alarmed. "Caroline!" he called again beginning to run at full vampire speed when he got closer he could hear muffling when he saw caroline Elena had her hand over her friend's mouth and bonnie was opening the back door of a car 'Were they trying to kidnap her?' Nik thought to himself.

He walked fast so he was closer to the car trying not to make a sound. Caroline saw him her face lit up with joy Nik put his finger on his lips hinting at her to be quiet and not let on that he knows what's going on, there was pain in his eyes as he did so. Once her friends got her into the car they drove off leaving skid parks on the road. "Caroline!" he yelled running out from behind a tree and standing in the middle of the road.

His family came running out "What's going on?" his sister asked. "Th- they..." Nik stuttered to get the words out. "...took her." he finally finished, falling to his knees. "They took her!" he yelled burying his head in his hands while his siblings just stood there in shock. They couldn't believe Caroline's friends would kidnap her it just didn't fit together... 

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