9 - Fury and Pain

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Nik hated everyone from that moment on It was his fault and no one wanted to be near him as he was full of anger. His family, sat down the stairs, could hear everything that was going on up in his room he was throwing still and they could hear the banging and things breaking. As the days passed he grew even more angry and hopeless. Nik was filled with so much fury even his family were scared to go and see if he was okay.  They were all talking and came up with an idea that if he could just see that Caroline was okay then it may calm him down a little.

There was a knock at the door Rebekah answered the door "Caroline!" she said with joy like if she hadn't seen her friend in years. "How are you?" She said letting her friend in. "I'm okay" she mumbled "My mom doesn't know I'm here I said I was going to see Elena." She then said looking at Kol and Elijah. "Where's Nik?" She asked looking back at Rebekah. "Um..." Did they tell her or not? Then they heard a loud bang causing Caroline to jump. "What was that?" she said with a jump. "Our brother's not been very good lately..." Kol said then walked away. Rebekah rubbed her friend's right shoulder and smiled faintly. "What's wrong with him?" Caroline asked, thinking out loud. "You're mother doesn't want you around us anymore and that we were to stay away from you. That was enough to set him off." Her friend replied. "Can i go and see him?" she asked the vampire Rebekah sighed. "None of us have been up. You know Nik has a bad temper but if you wish to go up then by all means go up" lifting her right hand pointing it towards the stairs. Before walking off to find Kol.

Caroline held her breath and gazed up at the stairs she lifted her right foot placing it on the first stair, knowing that each one would lead to her boyfriend who was full of rage she finally reached the top of the long flight of stairs letting out a great sigh. She was right in front of his bedroom door still hearing the continuous noise of banging and smashing. "Nik..." she said softly knowing that he wouldn't hear. She touched the door handle and turned it slowly just as she did a painting came flying from behind the door against the wall just inches away from her face before falling to the ground with a thud. "Nik?" She said again but a little louder stepping into the freezing cold room it was such a mess. All four large windows were broken, his painting's had hole's through the middle them and there was not one thing in the right place even the bed which was centred in the middle of a wall was on its side. Nik stopped what he was doing and it was like he was looking right through Caroline "Nik?" Caroline breathed into the cool air, making her feel like she was outside. "Caroline?" he mumbled dropping Caroline's favourite horse painting on the floor. "Are you here to say goodbye?" he asked with no other emotions except misery. "No" she said shaking her head she smiled, she was just glad he hadn't done anything stupid. "Are you okay?" she asked with so much sympathy and pain in her eyes. 'I hate seeing him like this: so hurt and full of pain and anger' she thought. "I am now." He said in a flash he was right in front of her reaching out to give her a hug. "You're mother doesn't know you're here does she?" Nik asked breathing into her hair. Caroline shook her head "But she doesn't have to know does she?" she said smiling up at him she had her Nik back the one that would do anything for her and he would do it all again because he loved her. "No she doesn't." He started not even pulling away from her for a moment. "I Love you" he said. Caroline let out a little giggle. "I know you do, I love you too." 

He leaned down to kiss her but stopped and sighed. "What's wrong?" Caroline sounded worried. "I need to go and hunt." He sighed again. "I haven't had any blood in days." He then said. He didn't want to leave her that was obvious. "Can't you just hold of?" Caroline asked kissing Nik's cheek. He let out a playful growl "yes." He said "I promise you i won't be long." He then said giving her a kiss on her forehead then leaving. "I'll tidy up a little then. She mumbled under her breath.  Although there wasn't much she could do everything was broken but she did her best.

"What are you doing?" Elijah asked standing at the doorway causing Caroline to jump a little with fright. "Oh! I'm...um... just tidying a little." She replied. "I apologize i didn't mean to startle you. Would you care if i helped?" Elijah asked looking around causing Caroline to look too. "Not at all." She said politely. There was a knock at the door. 'Please don't let that be my mom' Caroline prayed in her head still too busy tidying up. 

Kol was the one to answer the door. "Well well. What a surprise." He smirked looking at Elena, Bonnie and Liz. Caroline's friends looked guilty while her mother had her serious face on."Where's my daughter?" She said grinding her teeth. "I have no idea." Kol lied with a slight smile, he was a terrible lair and everyone who he'd attempted to lie to knew that. "KOL!" Liz yelled at him warning him to tell her, he sighed. "She's upstairs" he said looking at the ground he knew everyone would be furious at him. Rebekah sped to the bottom of the stairs blocking the only way up to Caroline. "Move." Liz sighed. "Let's see... I'll move when you leave." The blonde vampire growled. Caroline could hear what was going on down stairs but remained up she knew if she went down to see what was going on then her mother would take her home. Every now and then she kept peaking her head round the door to get a full view of what was going on downstairs as arguments were starting between both families.

Nik used his vampire speed to squeeze past Rebekah and make his way up to his room where Caroline was tidying.  She was hiding behind the door so when it opened she got a fright and almost squished between the wall and door. "Caroline?" Nik whispered turning to where his girlfriend was "Are you okay?" he whispered close to her face. She nodded. "Come here."  She said pulling him closer to kiss him.

While down stairs the arguing continued. "Don't make me lose my temper." Liz yelled. "Don't make us lose ours" Kol yelled back. It was really just a screaming match between the pair. Rebekah went up stairs to warn Caroline her mother couldn't be held off much longer only to find her best friend and brother in bed. "Oh gosh! I am so sorry" she was horrified and ran back down the stairs "Where did you go?" Elijah asked his sister. "Whatever you do, don't go into Nik's room." She said still embarrassed. Rebekah and Elijah just sat on the stairs listening to their brother and Caroline's mother yell back and forth to each other. Eventually Liz left leaving Rebekah in laughter.

"Caroline! Your mother's gone, Thank god!" Kol yelled up to her. "I wouldn't expect her down anytime soon."Rebekah said controlling her laughter. Her two brothers just looked at her and went off in opposite directions.

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