15 - Death Pains

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Over the next few days she tried to call him multiple times and she left half a dozen voice mails on his phone a long with a lot more texts. She had changed her mind, she wanted to be with him more than anything else but had been too late. Caroline never believed in second chances and she prayed that she could have one. Just one more chance."Hey! Nik. It's me...again. Please call me back. I really just need to hear your voice" she hung up leaving yet what could possibly be he 15th voice mail on his phone she didn't even know if he was receiving them anymore.After a while caroline eventually gave up thinking he would phone when he'd calmed down but he didn't. Not long after Nik left the rest of his family followed including Rebekah leaving her brother distraught. She felt so guilty as it was mostly her fault. She walked past her brother's room the door was open slightly she knocked once and it pushed itself open  "Hey! How are you?" she crept in the room. "i've been better." daniel replied bluntly.  "I'm sorry" she said as she was sick of saying it to him, she had done for days now.  "why couldn't you just go with him? It's not like you've never left me and mum before" he snapped. She stood with her mouth open for a couple of seconds waiting for her brain to think of a clever reply.  "I've just got back. I need my family and friends right now. I- missed everyone. I just wish things could go back to the way they were before." she admitted.  "fair enough"  She walked back out of the room as she closed the door she sighed they used to be so close her and daniel what happened to them?She had her phone clutched in her hand when it rang. She immediately answered "Nik?!" she hoped it was him. "it's me, Elena." the voice replied. "everything okay?" she asked her friend. "um, yeah everything's fine. What's up?" she didn't want to bother Elena with her problems "Are you free? Can you come over?" elena asked her, knowing that her friend would tell in her own time, she always did.  "okay, give me 10 minutes?"  "see you then" they both hung up.When caroline arrived at the salvatore house the two brothers were standing outside.  "why are you two standing outside your own house?" she asked, she really couldn't care why. "Elena and Bonnie need to talk to you." Stefan spoke letting her past to enter the house. "Elena! Bonnie!" caroline called her friends.  "Hey!" They both called coming from the living room. "so what did you guys want to talk about?"  "We just want to catch up!" Bonnie said smiling.  "We could've easily had a catch up over the phone." caroline wasn't buying it. She knew them to well to known something was up. "Seriously? Guys! Whats wrong?" her face turned worried when they both remained silent.  "I can't!" Elena held her hands up and walked away. She usually did that when they were playing a prank on their friend but the faces remained serious.  "Is this some kind of prank?" Caroline placed her hands on her hips as Elena walked out the front door.  "Bonnie! Tell me." Caroline ordered her friend.  "It's not in my place to say, Care. But if you phone Kelly i'm sure she'd tell you." bonnie said "Who's Kelly?" Caroline let out a laugh.  "You really have no idea do you?" her face looked sad.  "Bonnie. Please?" "Your dad's alive. Kelly's his daughter. She's fifteen." Bonnie spoke slowly afraid of how her friend was going to react.  "Bonnie my dad's dead. I buried him in the ground. Why would you even say something like that?! Is it some kind of sick joke?!" she sounded disgusted.A young girl with blonde hair and brown eyes in a white blouse, purple tie and a black skirt appeared from behind her Caroline.  "Hi! I'm Kelly" the girl smiled as Caroline turned around. She sighed covering her face with her hands let our a scream before marching out the front door.  "Don't follow me!" she yelled to her other three friends who remained outside her wolf side was showing full of anger. She wondered into the woods to be alone, no one really followed her there. She sat against a random tree trying to come to terms of what had happened could the father she believed to be dead really be alive? It sounded like a sick joke, yet one part of it was true so why not that part. She was so confused she knew that if he was alice then her would be dead when her mother got a hold of him.  "Hello Caroline" she knew the voice, she knew the apparent 'sick joke' was true.  "Dad?"

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