20 - The Final Decision

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It had been two hours since Klaus walked to his car and drove off, out of Mystic Falls for good, leaving Caroline behind. The girl just sat on the doorstep waiting in hope that he would change his mind. But he didn't when she was sure he wasn't going to come back she went inside and locked the door for the first time in a long time she dreaded locking the door.
She went to her room she stopped in the doorway when she saw Stefan standing at her window.

"Hey" he said turning and leaning on the windowsill "Hey! What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was wanting to see if you were okay. Are you?" he was always the one to be concerned whenever there was a problem.

"I'm fine Stefan. Really. I'll be fine" he tried to convince him but she couldn't even convince herself.

"You could go to him you know"

"He doesn't plan on leaving that place and I don't plan on leaving here so it's not going to work" she explained sitting on the bed trying to keep herself from falling apart. "I'm sorry Caroline." he said sitting next to her as he pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey why don't we go and see Elena and Bonnie?" he asked.

'They would probably know how to make her feel better.' Stefan thought he wanted to be there for her but he knew there was only so much that he could do the rest was up to her best friends, the one's she has known for years.

He drove Caroline to his house knowing that Elena and Bonnie would be there

"What are you going to do?" he spoke knowing Caroline was still making a decision in her head even thought she hated Klaus he knew Caroline loved him.

"I can't leave Stefan. I just can't. I don't want to. I don't have a good enough reason to"

"You love him. Shouldn't that be a big enough reason?" she knew it should be but it wasn't. As Stefan drove up to the house Caroline remained silent even when she got out the car and her friends greeted her with a hug.

"I suppose..." she started, she didn't really want to see Elena or Bonnie but she had to see them when they were all younger they were always there to cheer her up and so she hoped it would do some good than bad.

'Nothing can cheer me up' Caroline thought. She missed Nik and hoped he would change his mind

'What if he's waiting for me to change MY mind?' She knew in her heart that she loved him but at the same time could she really just leave because he has? Even if that was a good enough reason to Caroline was too stubborn to go anyway.

"What?" Stefan spoke listening to Caroline.


"You said I suppose. I suppose what?" he laughed as he pulled up to his house, the house that Elena and Bonnie seemed to be spending a lot of time in.

"Oh! I don't know." she said opening the car door, sighing.

"We're worried about you Caroline. You seem so distant" he was concerned, you could tell by the tone in his voice that he was worried about her. Caroline had known Elena and Bonnie her whole life yet, right now, at this precise moment in time she seemed more closer to Stefan than anyone else.

"I know. I will be fine, I promise. You go in I'll be there in a minute." She smiled weakly at him.

Stefan only went into the house as he knew that she would be coming in but only when she was ready.

But that's not what happened.

Caroline didn't go inside the Salvatore house, instead she walked back into town and got in her car and just drove.

She didn't know where she was going mentally but in her heart she knew. She was going to him the only place she actually wanted to be, the only place she always wanted to go. Caroline still didn't know it yet but her heart was leading her right back to Nik. She didn't bother to question it she felt happy as she got closer. She saw the sign: 'New Orleans' her heart leaped to her throat. She was there yet she stopped before she got passed the sign.

'I Can't' she thought with sadness.

"What if he doesn't want me here?" She mumbled to her self as she let go of the wheel. The car kept moving at full speed as she was at she tried to grab the wheel but it locked itself, she tried the break and that didn't work either.

"Caroline!" She heard Stefan's voice yell her name as darkness fell upon her.

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