10 - If life were a movie

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The next day there was a knock at the door the Mikaelson's sighed. "Who is it this time?" Rebekah asked standing up. "I'll get it!" Caroline yelled coming down the stairs. "It will probably be for me anyway' she thought. "Elena!" she yelled in shock. "What are you doing here?" she then asked crossing her arms. "I was wondering if we could talk" Elena asked putting her hands into her coat pockets as Caroline turned to look at Rebekah and her brothers and Nik, who was at the bottom of the stairs in the corner, "Sure" she fake smiled. "I want to apologize for everything I've done; taking my anger out on you that weren't fair" Elena was apologetic. "And i know how you feel about them and you know how i feel about them too. But if they make you happy then carry on because you're a really great friend, Caroline. Your friendship means a lot to me." she finished with watery eyes. Caroline was lost for words so she pulled her old friend in for a hug but she pulled away quickly Caroline had forgotten she was a wolf now and Elena was covered in wolfsbane her whole body burned and she felt every bit of it. She closed her eyes shut the last thing she remembered was Elena's voice "I'm so sorry, Care." She said.

When Caroline came around she was in her bed at the house she shared with Liz and Daniel. Daniel was sitting on a chair at the side of her bed. "What happened?!" Caroline yelled sitting up immediately looking at her brother. Who just stared at her. 'Wow! Mom was going to have her hands full: she had a werewolf as a daughter and a vampire for a son'. Her brother didn't say a word she sighed and jumped out of bed. "I'm not allowed to let you leave!" Daniel called. "Yeah well i don't care." She said slipping on her shoes and leaving the house. As she opened the front door she banged into Damon "Move!" she screamed at his face. He stepped to her left allowing her to leave Caroline marched to her car opening the door before it slammed shut. "Where do you think you're going?" Damon asked her. "Why do you care?" Caroline snapped back at him. "Caroline?" she knew the voice instantly. It was Nik! Her face lit up before she even turned around. She ran towards him and wrapped their arms around each other. "Is he bothering you, love?" Nik asked Caroline while looking at Damon. "No I'm okay. Common lets go." She said pulling Nik away to go for a walk.

"My mom's got everyone keeping an eye on me." Caroline sighed taking her hand into Nik's as he pulled her closer to him.  "I won't allow them to keep us apart, Caroline. You know of all the stuff I've done wrong in my life... They're just keeping an eye on you." Nik said, hoping he wouldn't ever lose her. "Have you ever tried just sitting down and talking to them? Try to fix things?" she murmured. "No." Nik sighed "Plus I don't think they'd give me a chance anyway..." he continued "I wish your friends were more like you." He finished. They just smiled at each other as much as he was worried about losing Caroline he also knew that she would never let that happen.

They continued walking for another couple of hours "It's a full moon tonight." Nik whispered as it wasn't as light as it was earlier and so Caroline, from what Nik just said, panicked. She stopped walking causing Nik to turn around he could see tears in her eyes. "Caroline... I- I'm sorry." He said stuttering with sympathy. She reached out to him for a hug. "I don't want to turn!" she yelled into his chest. "I know." Nik hated it when she cried it made him so emotional, it made him feel human – the one thing he doesn't want anyone else to see (but Caroline) was his humanity.  He knew one way for her not to turn anymore but he didn't know if she would be up for it or will Elena be willing to give him her blood to help out a friend? Klaus arrived at Caroline's house hoping that her friends would still be their waiting for Caroline's return.

"NO! Are you kidding me? no!" Elena yelled at Klaus' plan. "She's our friend we won't allow it." Bonnie said calmly. "Your friend doesn't want to turn anymore, once was enough for her she doesn't want to go through that again." Klaus said with sadness. "If you care about Caroline you would do it for her." He continued then left them to think. Elena and Bonnie just looked at each other.  "Elena she didn't ask to be a wolf. She didn't ask to have to turn on every full moon, it's not something she chose." Daniel said coming into the living room, breaking the silence between Bonnie and Elena. Bonnie didn't say anything she just looked at her friend in disappointment as Daniel walked away. "He's right." Bonnie moved closer to her friend "And you know it." She finished. "Bonnie... he's taken far too much away from me already I'm not going to let him turn her into a vampire if she didn't ask for it." Elena blinked. "But like Daniel said: She didn't ask to become a werewolf either. You'd be helping her." Bonnie said giving her friend a look before leaving. Elena just sighed she knew everyone else was right no one asked to become what they were; The Salvatore's, Bonnie, Daniel and even Tyler Lockwood who was Daniel and Caroline's cousin, none of them at least a part of them wished to still be human – including Klaus.

A few hours later, it was dawn and Elena went around to see Caroline who was basically living at the Mikaelson's. She knocked on the door absurdly and turned around so she couldn't see who would answer the door and sighed, she really didn't want to do this but her friend needed it. She heard the door open which forced her to turn around obviously it would be him who answered the door! "Elena? How can i help you?" Nik asked sarcastically. "I'll do it." She murmured not looking him directly in the eye. "Please come in." Nik was polite "Caroline's sleeping at the moment but this doesn't directly concern her " he smirked. "How is it not any of her concern?" She raised her voice a little. "I'm doing this for her." She finished.  She wouldn't dare question him or cause him any anger but he was just pushed his luck - if he had any at all. 

Elena however did envy one thing - from the murderer who'd caused her family and friends so much pain – He still had Caroline and she had no intention to leave his side even if it meant being with her friends. Elena gave him a sample of her blood and left the easy part was done. The next part was the hardest he had to get Caroline to drink her friends' blood and she had to die. There were only two steps but it was the second one that  he dreaded the most. He loved her therefore he couldn't kill her and that would start an argument between him and his sister who had grown close to the girl who now hated who she was but he was determined to do anything if it saved her the pain of turning again.

He marched up the stairs and sneaked into his room where Caroline lay fast asleep in his bed it wasn't really his bed, or room, anymore it was Caroline's too. He sat down on her side of the bed and stroked her hair carefully. "Hey" she said sleepily and opening her eyes.  "Hi" he whispered carefully. "How are you?" he said a little louder. She scoffed. It was a stupid question of course she wouldn't be. "Here. Drink this." He said handing her the glass of blood. "What is it?" she was curious. "It's blood." He said letting go of the glass. "Yeah... I'm not going to drink that." She said trying to hand the glass back to him and screwing up her face. "Please?" he said staring her right in the eyes. "Why?" she asked again cautiously.  "If you drink this and you die then you won't have to turn anymore, not unless you want to." He said hopefully. "But i don't want to die." She said with no energy Nik kissed her forehead.. "But you'll come back that's the amazing part." He said  gazing into her eyes. "Drink up" he said as he stood to leave the room. "Who's going to kill me then?" she asked finally agreeing. "Kol will be in, in a few minutes." He said smiling back at her. Nik went down the stairs after Kol went into the room. Nik didn't want to witness his brother kill his girlfriend no matter what the outcome was the worst part was he could hear her screaming out in pain.

As tears rolled down Nik's face he poured Elena's blood into another cup and took it up to Caroline who was still lying there. Dead.

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