4 - visiting

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"Are you sure you want to go back there?" Nik asked Caroline who could tell he was worried. "Yeah. All my friends are there and they were injured too. I feel bad because they've been left to fix everything but now that my shoulder's better I can help." Caroline felt awful that she couldn't have helped before but was glad her mother had given her permission to go. When Rebekah got back she packed a bag and went to go and get Caroline some of her stuff while she said goodbye to Nik. "I really wish i could come with you." He sighed. "It's not like I'm going away forever, Nik. I am coming back." She laughed. "I know. I'll miss you. Although it would be nice to get a break from Rebekah." He said pulling Caroline in for a hug. "I heard that!" His sister yelled coming into the kitchen. "All the bags are in the car. So whenever you want to go... just say." She smiled. "Common. Let's go." Caroline said with sadness in her eyes. "Are you sure you don't want to wait till the morning?" Nik asked holding onto Caroline's hand. "No I'd like to go now. Otherwise i could well change my mind." She said looking up to him. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and went to head out the front door. "If anything happens at all-" Nik started. "I know. I'll call." Rebekah cut him off. "I mean it!" he warned his sister before seeing her out. Nik waited till the girls weren't in sight before he went inside.

"So can i ask, please forgive me, why's this so important to you?" Rebekah asked quickly she really didn't want to ask it but she need to know the curiosity was killing her. "No it's fine. I just feel like i have to, it's hard to explain, but i came here the day i got out of the hospital i didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my friends and now they're left to rebuild the school. And-" Caroline explained but Rebekah cut her off "You want to help, don't you?" Rebekah asked knowing that's what she really wanted in the first place. All Caroline did was look at her. "You know i'm right." Her new friend said trying to hold back her laughter as she was the one driving. The continued to laugh and talk, getting to know each other a lot better. The drive took hours but it didn't really seem that long with the amount of fun they were having.

When they arrived Caroline's laughter turned silent and the smile that was there the whole ride there was rubbed off. "Are you really sure you want to do this?" Rebekah asked seriously when she saw that the news were still there, the accident happened months ago! She also saw all the flowers against the school and what was missing due to the explosions. "Yeah" Caroline smiled faintly. They got out of the car and went to the main entrance. "We won't get in. This was all ruined on the day you couldn't even get out of the doors." Caroline explained recalling the memories of that day. "Hey! You can't go in there!" a voice yelled from behind them. Caroline turned around and smiled weakly. "Caroline? How are you?" the man said. " I'm doing a lot better. Thank you, sir." She replied. " This is my friend Rebekah, this is the headmaster. My mother wouldn't allow me to come on my own." She explained to him. "Pleasure to meet you. So... what brings you back?" he asked. "I was wondering if i could help. I just feel really bad how i just left and-" the headmaster cut her off "It's okay Caroline. Yeah if you want to help that badly then of course! We could use all the help we can get. Go in through the underpass." He said then walked away. "Common." Caroline sighed putting her arm into her friends.

When they got into the school Caroline began to walk slower as she stood at the Main entrance of the school "This has all been rebuilt. This reception area was in ashes as were the stairs the cafeteria was where the first explosion happened. The doors were all burnt." Caroline's memories flashed between then and now. The girls walked through the doors "Which end did it start at?" Rebekah asked looking from end to end. "I don't know. Anyone who was in here was declared dead as soon as they found because there was no way they could've survived." Caroline looked around at all the changes that had been made while Rebekah remained quiet. "You wanna go elsewhere?" Rebekah asked. Caroline slowly walked to the door they no long came in. She carefully walked the quiet halls that were swarming with people that day. The place wasn't completely deserted there were people painting, fixing the floors and throwing the old out. Certain people (who were once pupils) would just look at the girls some occasionally say hi. As they looked in the classrooms, again getting carpets ripped out and getting replaced with new stuff, even chairs and table were getting replaced.

They'd finished looking on the first floor, which was almost completed. Rebekah looked up at the ceiling of the corridor and she saw bullet marks. They walked up the stairs where she'd been shot through the shoulder. "The worst part was that it wasn't just certain people that they targeted it was teachers and me and my friends, they were meant to be our friends too," She started to cry. "Do you want to go?" Rebekah asked once she'd calmed her friend down. "No." She shook her head. They got to the second floor – The library. "Do you have any idea why this is still shut off?" Rebekah asked her friend who was remembering that day. "That's where most of the pupils went thinking they started at the top first but they didn't. The library was the last place they came to with their weapons." Caroline recalled. "It doesn't look like anyone's been in there. Not yet anyway." She then said. "Nobody wants to." A voice came from behind Caroline "Kelsey." Caroline said fighting back her tears. " How are you?" her friend replied. "Okay... You?" Caroline replied. "I guess... Here. I'll go in if you go in?" her friend said.

Caroline went to the doors, took a deep breath and sighed, as her hand was approaching the door it was trembling before she took hold of its handle. She pulled it open very slowly. Kelsey turned the lights on, they flickered like if they hadn't been touched in years, Caroline almost collapsed the only thing which stopped her from falling was Rebekah's arms. "Are you going to try and tell me you're okay now?" She asked her best friend as she raised Caroline back to her feet but kept hold of her till she was confident that she was okay. Caroline's face was stained of tears. "It's okay, i'm okay." She reassured herself and her friend. Kelsey was wandering, dancing around the blood stains that were on the carpet.

"The ceiling doesn't look very safe. Common i'm getting you out of here. If anything happens to you my brother will have me back in the coffin." Caroline just look at her friend "Wait. You're serious?" Caroline said with confusion. Rebekah nodded her head. "So this is where most of the killings took place?" She asked Caroline. "No. Um... this is where a lot of them did because of their injuries the ones that were capable climbed out of that window there were ladders- the fire escape." That was Caroline's final memory before she got out of the building and sent to the hospital in the ambulance where she spent the next month and a half after the accident. "Where do you want to go now?" Rebekah asked. "Home." She said giving Rebekah a hug. "What was that for?" She asked."Thank you." Caroline replied softly.

They returned home the next night. Nik was waiting for them "You okay?" he asked looking at Caroline seeing that she'd been crying."I'm okay now." She said giving him a kiss. He looked at his sister. "Trust her, she's fine. We all need a little cry at times." Rebekah smiled. "How was your day?" Caroline smiled weakly. "It was okay. It would've been better if you were there." He kissed her forehead. "Would you like me to drive you home?" he asked. "I don't want to go home." She moaned. "You're always welcome to stay here for as long as you need." He smiled. He never wanted to let her go he wished he could hold her in his arms forever and he could if Caroline would let him.

Caroline joined Nik and his siblings in the living room they sat and talked. Caroline kept quiet which she was happy to she loved the sound of their voices which wasn't really weird for her it's what she'd always done. Everyone was laughing when Klaus kissed her neck. Causing her to giggle. "I love you." He whispered in her ear. "Ditto." She smiled.

It was nice just sitting with her boyfriend's family he even offered to answer any questions she had so that's what they did for the rest of the night.

"We all have different views of the story for those who share it. So i'm guessing you're going to want to talk to your friends aren't you?" Nik said. " Yeah... But before i do i need to ask...why'd you do it?" she said. "I'm not human, caroline. I haven't been for centauries now. But when i'm with you it all goes away. I forget what i am and feel human. And it's because of you i'm like that." He said.

Caroline fell asleep shortly afterwards and tomorrow she would be going to face her old friends. 

The Town's Secret - A Klaroline FanficWhere stories live. Discover now