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"Come here."
Ruby draws Janice for a hug genuinely feeling guilty she wasn't near when that whole swimming pool terror happened.

"Am so sorry i wasn't there. I would have given that stupid boy a piece of mind."
She comforts while keeping in mind that Jayden will surely pay for what she did to her friend.

"Thanks hun. That son of a bitch."
Janice conforms.

"Wait...and who saved me? I didn't get a clear visual of the person."
She openly enquire.

"Well," a smirk forms on Ruby's face, "your superman was none other than, Neal. The nerd with baby hair."

"Was that necessary?"
Janice snaps while rolling her eyes not trying to flow with the sacarsm.

"You asked and i answered. Girl don't bring it on me."
Ruby uttered back as she tries to stretch and reach out for the remote.

Laura is at the grocery doing shopping. The girls are to spend the Sunday at her place and as per the routine, she has to incur for the food and stuffs.
Talk about being the host.

As much as the truth hurts, Janice ought she has to do the rightful thing.
"I should find him and thank him. He saved my ass back there and for that am grateful. Oh plus return his coat."

"And am pretty sure he will loooooove to see you again."
Ruby teasingly stressed the 'love' word while wiggling her eye brows at Janice.

"You so unbelievable."
Janice rolled her eyes as she grabbed her phone from the table.


"There will be various prizes to be won and it would be a plus shine on your CV."
Mr Lockwood persuades Neal about the University's educational competition sponsored by Capital Market Authority.

Neal carefully reads through the poster he had been handed.
"Just think about it before the registration deadline for participation."
He continues.

Neal nods as he neatly folded the poster, shoves it in his jeans as he stands.
"Thank you sir. I will surely let you know."

In high hopes, Mr Lockwood hands out his hand to Neal. They share a handshake and bid each other well wishes during the day.
He is the head of the business courses department of the campus and he taught Neal one of his units sometime last year. He passed impressively and there onwards he knew Neal's potential. Neal on the other hand loved the unit Mr Lockwood taught him and his expertise and there and then the link between them was formed.

Afterwards Neal walks to the library to do some few final touches on his Continuous Assessment Test that was at around 5pm.
From the bright smile Neal wears as he walks out of the exam room, its evident enough it wasn't a sweaty test.

He took his bag and headed towards the restaurant to grab something to eat.
Talk of being extremely famished.
As soon his done, he pays off and leaves. Soon his on the lane to his house, he plugged his earphones onto his ears and played his usual playlist.

From a far his sees a group of two ladies by the pavement of Smirk Café. He spots the 'nagging' girl who almost drown in the pool. Quickly he drifted his focus from their view as he makes a turn deeply hoping she had not noticed him since he isn't ready for any of her drama.

Fortunately and unfortunately Janice had spotted him. As her guts would allow her, she paused Katie and rushed to go catch up with the nerd. A devilish smirk on her face is clear enough she enjoys bothering him.

She fastened her pace and started walking beside him. She noticed he had his earphones on so innocently not in any hurry, waited he removes them and hear her out.

"What do you want?"
Neal snaps as he tilted his head to face her.

"Whoa! Relax, just wanted to say hi."
She smirks fully contented he gets irritated when she's around.

He cruelly uttered back as he continued to walk.

"Damn! Nigga are you on your menses? You know what, whatever. I just wanted to thank you for yesterday and return your coat but being a douche as you are, you can just forget it."
She bitchly snapped and returned to Katie who was waiting on her.

Neal continuously moves his fingers on his hair lucidly. Whether it was her tone or her bitch mode or the fact he can't figure out why he couldn't stand her any longer that got into him, it did get into him real well.

With his moods lost, he threw himself on the bed and soon he drifted off.

At the school's sports field, Tyler was doing some aerobics with the rest of the fitness club members.

Neal ran to where the Fitness crew did their thing. Briefly he stood next to Tyler breathing heavily.
"Couldn't miss your first day at keeping fit."

"Really? Man you creepy as shit."
Tyler couldn't believe Neal had to come all the way for this.

All Neal could do is chuckle as he grabbed a seat. He immediately locked himself to YouTube just to pass time.
After like what seemed minutes, Tyler was done.

"Did you know one can literally die from a bite of an ant?"
Neal asks as he continues to view the video explaining the theory behind it.

Tyler stares at him blankly as he wipes sweat from his face.
"Whaaat? That's just dumb shit trust me. Ant? The tiny things."

"Wait! Lemmi finish this I'll explain it to you."
Neal mutes him.

"Nerdy much?"
Tyler whispers to himself as he maneuvers his eyes around the field.

From a far, he notices someone wearing a leather coat that looks very familiar. He stares at the chiq who had it on and back to the coat.

Damn! That is the coat Neal got from his pops at last years Christmas. Can't be mistaken.
Whoa! I know her. That's the girl  he saved from the pool.
From that fact seducing his eyes, immediately an evil big smile formed on his face.

"Bro, isn't that the coat your pops gave you?"

Startled, Neal looks to the side Tyler is looking and noticed its her again. Janice turned and they faced each other. She wore a smirk as she winked at him as she left with the dude she was talking with.

All Neal could do is roll his eyes in disguise and focused on the video he was still watching.

"Wow! You didn't mention you guys linked and you ended up being the gentleman of the day."
Chuckling Tyler couldn't withhold the burning happiness seeing her wink at Neal with a smirk and the coat thing.

"Shut the fuck up. You don't wanna loose a tooth."
Neal threatens as they walk towards the gym area.


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