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"Am so happy for you hun. Finally no being gloomy."
Laura softly admitted.

"Daddy issues are never picnic. He looked crushed guys especially when he admitted the whole truth."
Ruby joyfully explains.

"Girl you're so in love than i thought you are. Am glad you two birdies worked it out."
Janice admits while greedily shoving a handful of crisps into her mouth.

Laura and Ruby just stared at her as if they don't recognise her.
"Whoa! Are you okay?"
Ruby asks.

"What? Can't i just have the time of my life without getting questioned about it? Its crisps guys. Crisps."
Janice defends.

"You know you can talk to us just about anything, right?"
Laura soothes.

"Guys am fine. Just didn't have something in the morning, that's all."
Janice crossed fingers hoping that dark truth burning her on the inside doesn't slip its way out of her mouth.

"Back to the lovers. Back to them."
She adds sobbing hoping that helps out to snap them out of the whole suspicious thing.

"I need to get my nails done. He is planned a date today in the evening."
Ruby squeals in delight.

"What's with you, him and evening hangouts anyway?"
Laura curiously asks.

"Girl is that even a question? To be laid down...like daah!"
Janice rolls her eyes at Laura and winks.

"Wow! You just are ever dirty minded."
Ruby defends though still having that fantasy face thinking of how they are going to make up.

Oh my! Finally confirm the theory that make-up reunions are the craziest best. Not that we did literally break up but whatever. Am so on for that hot MF.
She bit her lips while still staring at her accessories bag.

"Hun i hope you aren't wet already from that sex lip-biting."
Janice points out giggling.

"Ew! Stop with the reading minds moron. Not cool at all."
Ruby rolls her mind as she digs into the bag in search for her blue nail polish.

"You know i have been encrypted by you two twice than a chip device can be."
Laura scoffs.

They all just cracked out as if it was all part of a script written out to be acted by them.

Janice picks her laptop and logs in into facebook. He passed by the find friends section and scrolled down.
A picture caught her attention.

Who the fuck calls himself Master. For what? Damn! Facebook.

Cover photo of a grey black video game pad and a bio written: you love it black but not pink love.

Whoa! Finally someone who has that vibe. My kinda language.

"No pictures, huh! Mysterious much?"
Janice whispered slightly loud Ruby heard.

"Who are you stalking? Your next victim, huh?"

"Yeap, though no captions. How the heck am i to get through him?"

"I can do a research for you, you know. If you ask that is."
Ruby smirked.

"Ooh i can handle it. No more help from you on this sector."
Janice smirked back.

"If you say so. How does this dress look?"
Ruby shoves off the topic knowing well enough it's hard to ever talk Janice out on how to cunningly stalk a stranger on Facebook.

"Too saggy."
Janice immediately responds while still focused on the screen.

"Hey, you didn't even get a peek of it."

"Trust me, i still feel the bad vibe it has from here without even looking."

Ruby groans as she picks another dress to try it on.
Time passed and it was now almost dark so they all packed up and left Ruby's house.

"I would love to come with you guys but i have to go study."
Laura bids her goodbyes.

"Catch up later half nerdy half human."
Ruby meekly smiled.

"You know nerds are human too right?"
Janice smirks at Ruby as they watch Laura disappear off.

"Really? You bringing me down, now?"
Ruby rolls her eyes as they walk by the garage past the flats.

"You will be fine. Just make him nut brains your out like you were born for that."

"You know i do love you right? Like literally i do."

"Aaaww come here."
Janice draws her in a genuine hug as they stop by the driveway.

"Smile queen."
Janice snaps several selfies before letting Ruby get into the taxi.

Someone is going to be smashed real hard tonight.
Janice chuckles as she pulled her jacket's zip up while heading to the market.

After buying all the essential for to prepare for her dinner, she lazily walks to her place.
From a far she spots a guy in glasses walking in front of her.

Isn't today my luckiest day.
She hurriedly walks and caught up with him. The nerd with baby hair. Neal.

"Damn! Are you following me?"
She smirks.

"Really? You now?"
Neal is kind of getting used to her popping up on every time.

"Nice to meet you too stranger."
She shrugs.

"You literally was behind me. I should be asking you that."
Neal rolls his eyes from her crazy.

"You know, you should smile so often or you'll die soon."
Janice shrugs.

"Your greatest joy, huh!"
Neal points out knowing she always is the reason being his frowns every time she is around to prey on him.

"Actually No. I would have to pick another target to nag around and am kinda lazy for that."
Janice devilishly smiled at him.

He adjusted his glasses in shock.

He made a turn to his residence.
"So you stay at this flats?"
She asks as she wore an evil smile.

"Nope. Just leave me the heck alone."

"Well too bad. You ain't from the neighbourhood. Was to invite you for dinner that am to prepare."
Janice shrugged.

"Can you stop sending the notes when we share a lecture room? Its really irritating."
Neal points it out really in high hopes that she will just listen.

"Isn't that the whole point for my naggings? Thank you for honouring me best at it. Appreciate it."
Janice wore a well satisfied smile as she halts by the gate to the flats she stays.

"Be aware for night shadows and vamps. Ain't safe son."
With that she waves and disappears.

Neal is still disbelief she just didn't hesitate trashing his just one and only humble request. Immediately he becomes livid not that he can help but but Janice is really getting into his nerves real bad.

"Stupid bitch."
He cursed as he walked to his place which is a block from her.


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