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"I will certainly embrace the opportunity sir. Thank you."
Neal warmly responds to Mr Lockwood about the contest.

"Am glad to hear that. Just prepare for the first stage. I will help out with all the necessary materials that you may require."
Mr Lockwood couldn't be able to hide the good news he had received from the banana smile he wore.

"Oh and i wish you all the best. Am sure you'll gain lots of experience through the contest."
He added.

"Thank you again. I will do my level best."
Neal nodded as we walks out of the room.

Brighter days.

He walked straight to his next lecture.
A five minute earlier isn't that late of.
He had a pep-talk with himself as he walks to the front rows of the hall.
He removed his books and did a small review of whatever Mr Puirs is to teach.

No sooner had he turned the second page of the book, but also the lecturer walked into the room.
A class of almost three hundred students.

Who even gives a damn if you paying attention to the content!
But a sight of his dreams reminds him day-in day-out of his short term and long term goals.

Not that everyone is perfect. Neal has flaws.
Just like any breathing human.

He immediately dug his head into the lecture. Eyes on his book scrambling some notes and straight to the board.
Back to the book and so on.

A folded paper was placed on his book from the person aside him.
He wanted to ask whose it is but from his name at the front of the paper it was pretty obvious it was his. He faced the one who passed it to him and he didn't seem to give a shit that happened so he opted not to ask it is from whom.
How will he know anyway?
Neal deeply reasoned out.

This is not the usual.
It doesn't happen to him.
So he hesitated before he unfolded it.

Wish i could say you look stunning in that orange shirt but truth is its so not your type. Too shouting.

Orange shirt! Yeah definitely not my type but i have been lazy to have my Laundry cleaned.
Bold enough to mock?
Who the heck is that?

A glimpse is that its a lady. No guy would do such. He aimly tried to look at the side the paper was passed from but he couldn't recognise anyone he had made contact with to openly pass the note.

He shoved it inside his book and continued to flow with the lecture. Another paper is passed.

This time round Neal is not in shock or anxious about it, but rather irritated.
Whoever this is, she's wasting my valuable time here. Not worth.
He thought to himself.

He tossed the paper inside his pocket and not bothered to try look who it was.

After the lecture was over, he picked his stuff and walked to the cafeteria where he was to meet Tyler.

To some weird extent, Tyler didn't show up so he ordered some two cutlet and slowly he feasted on his meal.

An urge overcame him and he removed the paper from his coat and just stared at it.
After several debating, he opened it.

I hope you enjoyed the slap.😉

Fuck. Whats up with this lady??
She's really getting into my nerves and i don't like her fishy businesses.
He silently cursed as he tore the paper and tossed it into the bin.


Janice was seated at the corner with her friends talking at the cafeteria but her concentration was at Neal who was at the far end of the hall.

She smiled when she saw how pissed he looked when he unfolded the paper.

She wanted to go to him and tease him more but she couldn't afford to show her friends she is still on a mission of messing up with the nerd. They would conclude she is crushing on him which is so gross.

Never will that happen. This is purely a hunting game of playing with his mind. I adore that feeling when someone is almost to blow up by my bitching around with their feelings. Part of livening out if you ask me.
She wore a devilish smile from that fact and once he was off sight, she turned her focus on what Ruby was saying.

"He always does this."

"No. Maybe you misunderstood him. Come on Ruby. He loves you." Laura comforts.

Janice is trying to join the dots of what they are saying but its just so not working out.
"Am not getting this right. What exactly did Keith say? You guys are breaking up?"

"Where were you? No. Heck no. He just said he needs space. I just don't get it."
Ruby mumbled bitterly.

"Space? For what?"
Janice snapped not being able to hide her anger.

"To think i guess. We haven't fought of late and that's what is confusing. What 'thing' does he want to think about by pushing me off?"
Ruby explains as she plays with her soup.

"Guys lets relax. Maybe he got some personal issues and will tell you when he's ready. Patience girls."
Laura tries to reason out. For as far she has noted, Keith and Ruby have been the perfect couples she has met so far and for the now seven months of dating out of the blue Keith asks for space? Not making sense. There had to be a valid reason behind that.

Janice rolls her eyes at Laura knowing she is sugarcoating this whole thing so as to raise Ruby's hope up which isn't healthy.

"Honey, you know i love you and i will never do anything to bring harm to you, but i can't just lie to you. When a guy says he needs space, there is something cooking up in his mind about your relationship. Its like he's torn into two of whether to break it off with you or to push off whatever is giving him those second thoughts and stick by you. But i don't know."
Janice carefully laid down her basic truth.

"What does the 'but i don't know' mean Madam Know-it-all?"
Laura curiously asks not trying to filter any word Janice says.

"You know what guys, let's stalk him. With that all our questions will be answered. That am sure of."


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