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She looks briefly around in a smirk and focused staring his now pale face.

"What are you doing here?"
He asks.

A devilish smile shore on her bright face that made him tense a bit.
"Being as a good person as i am, i came to thank you for the bacon. They were so sweet."
With that she smirks.

He couldn't help but chuckle. The sacarstic light chuckle.
"You came all the way for that? Dramatic much?"

"Well depends on your perspective."
She mumbled at a low tone that he couldn't barely hear.

He started off and paused. She continued knowingly in mind that she must make up something else before he realises she is just idle trying to prick on him and kicks her out.

"So there is this assignment Mr Zablon gave on the analysis unit and am kinda stuck. Can you help?"
Meekly she let the idea flow out convincingly.

He adjusted his glasses for the fifth time now since she stepped into his house.
The cross line.

Inside a lot of emotions bubbled up around and the big one is the guilt one.

Why the fucking hell was i thinking to help her out in the first place? The price of your too caring Neal. Here she stands on your premises the second time.

He moves his hand on his hair before responding back.
"Can't it wait later on? You know in the afternoon at the library."

The thought that he is so tensed up that she is at his house made her crown herself a queen before his feeble state. The ultimate mode of power that he portrays to her disposal every time she makes him cringe in anger or boredom literally gave her the utmost motivating factor to continue.

"We can just wind it up now clearly its just two or so quizzes. That is if you ain't busy."

Once a nerd always a nerd. That is the basic rule and truth she knew and she embraced it as a weapon upon her strategic master plan.

He let's out an irritated sign deeply aware that she will not stop until she gets her way through to him. So he complied and composed himself back from the bad morning frustrations to the book love monster.

As he was almost to speak up, he studied her and noted she has not carried any book.

How? A trap. Yeah cunning but not smart enough to have a counterpart on the coverup.

"So where are the questions exactly?"
He asks staring at her blankly.

She cringed in a froze state. That part she wasn't prepared for and if she doesn't form something up  it would sell her out.

"I figured no need i carry my stuffs and yet you had the assignment. Obviously. I can show you the questions."
She innocently smiled contented she glued herself back to the game.

He groaned in defeat as he moved his fingers on his mustache as he lead the way to his study area.
All the moment she secretly stared at him scoring his physical structure for up to middle and downward.

He would look super hot if he wore short sleeve shirt broadly open and a vest. The chest buttoning up to the neck is so fucking plain; too absurd.  The cargo pants would be a yes yes for him.

"You know i can still feel your keen eyes on me, right?"
He scoffed.

All she did is shrug. He searched around and found the book for the unit and turned the pages looking where he wrote the assignment.

He mumbled to himself.

She points almost all the questions in mind knowing that would buy her time. After like half an hour of trying to flow to him explaining to her the solutions, he mind drifted off.
She didn't come to be helped on education wise but she came to disturb his peace. So she lightly changed the train gear to a different topic.

"Am Janice btw."
He stared at her blankly and she looked at him back expecting he does the same.

Woman i know your name. The person who suddenly got interest of pricking on me and is annoying as hell. Who wouldn't do some research?

He groaned.

"Am just trying here you know. To befriend you but you are playing hard-to-get."

"Just stop. I purely have no interest in that."

"Ouch! Is that so? Why am i still here?"
She smirks.

"Cause you just want to get in my way and disturb my peace."
He rolled his eyes to that obvious fact.

"Well and am pretty sure you enjoy every bit of it."
She genuinely smiled.

"No i don't. Why would i? There's nothing cute about you."
He plainly admitted.

"Oh so you want me to be cute, huh?"

Deeply he just wants to chase her off his premise and forget this ever happened but a nothing feeling is parallel to it. The feeling that its been a long long time since he had a conversation with a lady except his mother and sister and that kind of makes him feel humane again.

Gives him a certain upper course. So trying to manage the two contrasting emotions is the hard thing. From that he felt dry.

I need a drink. Probably some ice cold water. Fuck! She is one stubborn being. If i move out from here and rush to the kitchen i would open doors to her to totally change the study thing and am not sure am ready for that drama.

He debated with himself.
"If you keep on popping up here it won't end well."

Wow! Didn't figure he could manage a conversing with me that long. It won't end well, huh? You gonna call the cops buddy or what?

Still locked her focus on h, she swiftly moved her hand and removed the ponytail she had kept leaving her long hair lie on her shoulder.

"So you want me to be in cuffs?"
She said it in a seduction tone stressing the want and the cuffs words.

He knew what she was doing and the fact that he mind is amazed a lady like this has the guts and make the move to his different nerdy personality kind of turned his tables out.

"Yo Neal, here is..."
Tyler stopped at his tracks when he was about to enter the room where they were and smiled. Broadly smiled.

"I am so sorry. Will swing by later."
He immediately uttered clearly feeling some type of a bundle of joy that Neal has a woman in his house. Not just any woman but the woman he saved from the pool, he gave her his jacket and whatsoever more.

"No please stay. I was actually heading out."
Janice points out with a smirk at Tyler. She looked at Neal and winked.

"Thanks for showing me the sums. See you later nerd."
With that she left the house as happy as any woman achieving her dreams.

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