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She immediately was smitten by the realization it was him.

"Oh am sorry. I don't like unknown calls. Hi."
She recollected herself in guilt.

"Hi too. Its okay. Another thing I've learned about you. I wanted to tell you goodnight. I didn't want to sleep without telling you that."
He explained but what he thought was totally different.

He wanted to say a lot of things like how incredibly beautiful she is and he's been thinking about her. He's thinking on the day for the date but he couldn't utter thoughts out. He kept on nervously running his fingers through his hair.

"So thoughtful of you. Goodnight too."
Unsure what to exactly tell him since her friends were obviously listening.

"Sure. Speak to you tomorrow."
He concluded and he ended the call. Janice smiled at her friends who were staring at her but later dived into the movie.

She wanted to concentrate on the movie but she was now distracted. He was always someone easy for her to disturb and annoy but now he's hard for her shove him off her mind.

Fuck I should have picked up the call outside. I should have told him I really enjoyed what we had and looking forward to seeing him more. He must think am weird and doesn't like him. OMG why am I thinking about him. He hasn't taken me on a date. Not yet. Maybe he ain't planning to. He's a nerd what do you expect Janice.

She struggled to gain focus on the movie but nevertheless she watched it.


"Bro can I ask you a question and don't judge."
Tyler asked as he stared on his phone.

Neal was just warming up for an afternoon class to start after fifteen minutes. They were at the cafeteria taking their meal.
"Ask away."

"So Elaine is asking me for a break up. I didn't do anything wrong. Our benefits have been okay so am puzzled why the withdrawal."

Neal smiled knowing where that leads.
"Maybe she thinks you're using her."

"Why would you say that?"
Tyler asked unsure on why to think.

"Tell me, has she been sending signals that she wants more than sex? Attention maybe or something more."
He raised his eye brows at him. He remained quiet in thoughts.

"I don't know. Maybe. Why would she need all that and we ain't dating? Friends With Benefits, remember?"

"I'll just tell you what I know and have noticed. You guys are just into each other but you're too stubborn to tell her that you love her. Why don't you talk it out with her and figure out. Probably she's thinking you just take her to be your sex pervert."
He explained.

Once he looked up, guilt hit him when he saw her. It's been almost a week since he talked to her. He looked down hoping she didn't notice him.
"You're might be right. She's been acting weird of late. See you later."

Tyler hurriedly grabbed his bag and left. Neal just shook his head and continued to look at his watch and his Financial Analysis book.

Janice on the other side sat with Laura. As she looked around the cafeteria, she noticed someone.

Why hasn't he texted or called me? I wanted to call him several times but why should I make myself look desperate?

"OMG, I am late for my class."
Laura hurriedly shoved in her books into her backpack.

"It's okay. Meet you later."
Janice winked at her as Laura left while greedily eating her burger. Janice chucked at her bestie's poor timing.

She had the opportunity to be alone so she walked to where he sat while biting her halfway wanted burger.
"Hey." She greeted with a smile.

He jumped in astonishment. He didn't expect her to have noticed him or else walked to where he was.
"Hey too." He smiled back.

"Am sorry..." They both said to each other in unison and they laughed at themselves. He let her speak first.

"Neal can I ask you a question?"

He swallowed a heavy saliva of anxiety.

"Are you avoiding me? I mean you've kept your distance. Was it a one night stand?"
She gave a wry smile.

As always he ran his fingers through his hair when was nervous or confused. He wasn't sure where to start so he glanced at his watch and noticed his lecture had started. He knew better that someway and somehow he had to explain himself.

"Can we talk somewhere else."
He requested.

"Yeah sure."
She followed him to the park which was just a minute walk from where they were.

He sat at the nearest seat and she followed.
"Am sorry I have kept my distance. I know better not to defend myself since it's so wrong of me. I wanted to call you several times but I couldn't. I am such an idiot. You're incredible, amaizing and I just didn't know how to handle so much luck on my side. I am new to this, I mean it's been a while."

He kept adjusting his glasses. She just smiled at him.
"Aren't you such a nerd. Am I that scary?"

"No no. I didn't mean that."

"Well if am not then.."
She said as she narrowed her head and kissed him. At a second he was shocked but then he involuntary kissed her back. He couldn't control himself when she was near him.

They drifted apart and he gently caressed her cheek.
"Let's just go on a date right now."

"Wow! Right away. You kidding, right?"
She giggled in amusement.

"No. You made me skip a class so let's make use of the time."
He smirked cheerfully.

"I am so sorry. You could have mentioned. You're not that late, we can meet later on."
She changed her mood to seriousness. She didn't want him or anyone miss a class because of her.

"No. I want to spend it with you. Furthermore I've read on what was to be taught today so."
He winked at her in calmness.

"Look at how charming you can be. Lead the way sexy."
They woke up from the seat and he puts her arm intertwine with his as they walked.


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