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So that did happen! Wow, am one incredible human.

Janice gives herself a thumbs up as she giggles down the stairs.

Vividly one could spot the cheered mood on her already lit up face and the short success jumps as she walks out of the premises.

Deep down, she felt that incredible feeling. A feeling that warmed her heart swiftly and then drops of self reviewing hits.

Why am i this happy?
Its crystal clear Janice that the joyous emotions is not from having a mission accomplished celebration. Its way far from that.
We both know this is how you behave when you like someone.

She gave herself a pep-talk as she opened the door to her flat.
"Hell no."
She bubbled the words out loud as the truth hit her stone-hard. Offering herself with a faded hope that its all lies that are knocking before her.

Involuntarily, she let out a human emote groan as she threw herself on the bed.

Don't do this. Janice please don't. We know the hell it comes with letting yourself loose and falling for the flirt-pathways you create.
Lowering that guard down just so to feel that toxic thing. Those 'L' words; like, love whatever.
The killer portion that once destroyed you.
No, am never going back there.
Not ever.

Deeply she breathed in and out as she cleared her mind. After few minutes of reboot, she dragged herself up and sluggishly walked to the bathroom.


Clayton picked his headphones from his bag and wore them on. He connected it to his phone and played his playlist.

River-Bishop Briggs.

He lifted his legs to lay on the bench in front of him as he stared the clear sky above him.
In a calm state, he relaxed as the beats flowed within his soul.

Better days.

His mind wondered off to the 'whatever land' and an ignited smile appeared on his bright up face.
Thoughts of his last night memories.

Who would have thought you're a dime?!
The devils are the heavenly givers indeed.

He felt his man twitching as he let the moments film play on his brain and poison his idle mind as he waited for Keith to be done with his daily running routine.

Meanwhile Jacob on the other corner of the field spots Neal as he walks beside the fence.
A target approaching.

"Yo! Neal."
He called out to him and Neal slightly shifted his head and recognised him and continued to walk off.

The trouble maker.

He assumes but Jacob chuckling ran and caught up with him.
"Look, you've dropped," he paused and Neal stopped and looked behind to where Jacob was pointing, "your ass." He finished off with a irritating sarcastic laughs.

Neal noticing he is being played on, he gathered all his anger, hate and heaviness into a jar and continued to walk off.

Bending laughing his heart out loud, he affirmed to his spectators; his running mates on his crappy idea published.

Keith had seen the whole thing and shook his head in disappointment of Jacob's kiddish plots.

Neal disappeared off and on the exit of the sports field, he spots Clayton seated on the benches.
Frustrated, he let out a sigh.
He forgot to carry the bag Tyler gave him to be delivered to him.

Looking at his watch, it was 4:01pm. He had an hour before the 'boys' exercise time ends.
Yeah, it has always been his dream to be in the team so the interests made him keep tracks of their workout whereabouts.

Keeping in mind he was to give back the bag as soon as possible, he fastened his pace to his house to take the bag in high hopes Clayton would still be there when he gets back.

After an half an hour or so, Keith decided to have a break. He ran to where Clay was seated and took out his water bottle from his bag laid on the bench beside him.

Seeing Keith in front of him, Clay removed the headphones.
"You've had enough for today?"
He hoarsely spoke.

"And you had to wait? Trying to be a pussy, huh!"
Keith smirks as he took another sip of the cold water.

Clayton raised his eyebrow at him in a gross taste of attitude and Keith just gave a shrug wearing a smirk.

Clayton cursed as he plugs on the headphones. With that Keith chuckles as he ran back into the field and join the rest.

Time flew and it was 5:10pm and still Neal found them still on the routine. Focused he walked to where Clay sat firmly holding the bag.

Neal tries to talk to him but seeing he was wearing headphones and had closed his eyes, he figured he had to try another way.

He lightly shook him by the shoulder and Clay jumped up startled that caused Neal to jolt almost to trip in between the benches but maintained his body balance. Clay had drifted off in a nap.

"The fuck."
Clayton irritated snapped at him.

"Am so sorry. I didn't mean to, i mean you were..."

"Just zip it man. What's up?" He shushes him up.

"Tyler told me to give you this."
Neal handed him the bag.

Clay hesitated before taking it. He had forgotten he had been up on Tyler's ass for the bag of the stuffs.
His supplies.

He plainly utter his deep appreciation.
Neal nods and walks off through the back entrance of the campus stadium crossing fingers no one had noted him.
By no one he is implying 'Jacob'.

As Keith walks off with Clayton, he remembered to bring up the curiosity topic.
"You know that nerd?"

Clay stare at him slowly joining the dots on what Keith was asking about.
"Oh him? I guess he is Tyler's buddy. Tyler the guy who was to bring the supplies."

"That guy, i remember him. Poor nerd."

"Poor guy? Did i miss out on something?"

"Jacob told him he had dropped his ass nevertheless he still looked behind. Jacob bee-bites plots, you know!"

Amused by how that scene would have looked of Neal embarrassing himself, Clayton laughed hard that Keith shook his head.

That was supposed to be you feel remorseful for the poor guy not be amused, you idiot.


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