Chapter 3

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The next day, I'm busy getting the house ready for the party. My parents aren't home, so I go to our bar and pull out the liquor. I put the snacks out and then move some furniture for more room. The time reads 6:30pm. The guests are about to show up soon.

I quickly pull out my phone and text Braden. He was supposed to come early, but never showed up.

Where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago!

Sorry Ev. My parents wouldn't let me leave without dinner. :( I'm so sorry I'll try to be there soon.

Its too late now, Braden. The party is about to start.

And I will definitely be there. I'm sorry.

Go away.

Evvvvv c'mon don't be mad :( I love you <3

My heart skips a beat as I see his text. No! Come on Ev! He doesn't really think of you that way. He loves you as a friend. Nothing more. My hands ache to text back "I love you too, Braden. I've loved you for a long time.I've just been too scared to tell you. But I dream... About us...I really do love you..."

I sigh and text him back, then set my phone down on the table. "Okay... Drinks? Check. Food? Check. Music? Check. Guests?" I hear the doorbell ring and smile. "Check."

An hour later, there's so many guests that I lost count. Drinks are everywhere, people dancing, drunk people dancing (or trying not to fall). I walk around, looking to see if I can spot Braden or Emily, and I bump into someone. My drink spilled on my white blouse and his navy blue shirt.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and-" I look up to see who it is.

Shon's POV

I'm walking around the house, taking in everything. The dancing people, decorations, furniture, everything. I'm not paying attention when someone bumps into me, and spills on my shirt.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and-"

It's a familiar voice, one I enjoy listening to. It sounds sweet and melodic, and I look down to see her and she looks up to see me. I realize that we are standing so close together, and her hand is resting on my chest, where she spilled her drink. My cheeks instantly burn up, and I feel my face turn red.

"Well... That's one way to find you." I chuckle as I see her face turn pink.

"Shon! I'm sorry I didn't see you and now your shirt is ruined. Um... here come with me." Evelyn grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd.

We end up in what looks like her room, and she let's go of my hand. Her room is a light shade of gray, with some quotes on the walls. She has a desk in one corner of her room, and a dresser in front of her bed with a TV mounted to the wall. Her bed is a light purple, with white pillows and a white fluffy teddy bear. To the left of the bed, she has a window seat with some light purple and white pillows and a matching blanket.

"Wow... Your room is nice." I grab her teddy bear and feel how soft it is.

Wow. That's really soft. And so is her bed. I could just lay here all night...

Evelyn looks at me and sees me holding her teddy bear, and her cheeks turn to a rose pink. She giggles, and it makes me blush.

"This thing is soft. Like, so soft. Where did you get this?"

She laughs. "My grandpa got it for me when he went to Australia. He said it was made out of some sheep wool or something."

"Wow. I'm gonna have to talk to your grandpa and arrange a trip for him to get me one." I laugh, and she giggles as well.

"Let me see if I can find a new shirt for you." She scans me up and down, and it makes my face turn red.

"Do you like what you see?" I joke, and she turns from a rose pink to a strawberry pink. She's so cute when she's flustered.

"Sh- Shon!" She smacks my arm, and starts to giggle again. God she's so beautiful.

She finishes laughing, and then she goes to her dresser.

"Hmm.... You look like you're Braden's size. Let me see a shirt I have." She digs around in her dresser, until she finds a gray shirt. "Here. Try this on." She hands me the shirt and I take it, then I pull my shirt off. I notice her staring, and I smirk at her as I put the new shirt on.

Evelyn's POV

I realize that I'm staring. Why am I staring? I shouldn't stare. He's hot though. Look at his muscles and abs.

I quickly take my eyes off him, but not fast enough for him to not notice. I see him smirking at me, and my face turns into a bright red.

"Now you really like what you see." Shon is still smirking, but his face is a shade of pink as well.

"Maybe I do." My face is probably the reddest it could be, and I'm probably drunk, but I slowly walk toward him to tease him. I put my hand on his abs, and feel how toned they are. I then look up to see his face, and see him very flustered. I smile, and bring my face closer to his. "What are you gonna do?"  I whisper to him, then bite my lip.

"Ev.. I um.. I- I li-" He's struggling with his words so I back up, and laugh. Before I back away far enough, he reaches for me and puts his hand behind my back. Our bodies are almost touching. He brings his face closer, and his lips fo down on mine, in a sweet, soft kiss. We break free, and look in each other's eyes, and I kiss him back more passionately, and put my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair. He puts both hands on my back , then his hands slide to my thighs. He lifts me up and sits on the bed, with me on his lap. Our kiss gets more heated, and he starts unbuttoning my blouse.

Someone opens the door and walks in.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Let me know who you like together, if there are any questions you have or any comments you'd like to share!

Also I know it's been a longggg time since I have updated, and I apologize. I will try to do my best to update as fast as I can! Thank you and love you! <3


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