Chapter 22

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Evelyn's POV

I wake up to complete darkness. I try to move but feel a strong binding on my arms and legs, and the wooden edges of a chair.

"N-no," I stutter, my heart racing. I struggle some more, each time feeling a stab in my chest. This is just like my dreams. Sweat starts collecting on my forehead and neck as I try to remember what happened before my thoughts are scrambled by a voice.

"Why hello, Evelyn. Long time no see."

That voice. That's the voice of the devil himself, the man who made my life a living hell at just 11 years old.

"I wonder why, Jack." I grit my teeth, with a snarl on my face. My face is a hundred degrees, and I feel as if I could burn this blindfold off my face just from hate.

He leans down, putting his hands on each handle of the chair I'm tied up on and leans closer to my face. I can feel his warm breath next to my ear. "It's because a little birdie ratted me out to the cops, after killing my Fiancee and running away."

Those simple words were enough to make me tremble. I clench my teeth tighter and feel the scratchy cloth being removed from my face. My eyes are blinded temporarily by the light, and I squint before they adjust to the light. "Go to Hell, Jack. I'm sure Erika is waiting for you there." I stare right into his icy blue eyes with hate.

"Been there, done that, Sweetie." He smirks at me, and a shiver runs down my spine. "I missed your fierce attitude." Jack caresses my cheek, and twirls a strand of my hair. I snap my head back and snarl more at him.

"Don't you dare touch me!"

He puts his hands up and retreats back a little, continuing to smirk. "Woah, Princess, settle down. I'm not doing anything to you. Yet." He circles around my chair like a shark. "We have to pluck your feathers one by one, my little bird."

"Where is Shon?" I wriggle around in the chair, trying to break free.

"Shon? Who's Shon?"

I snap at him. "Quit playing games! Where's Shon?"

He seems genuinely confused, then the lightbulb seems to flicker on inside his head. "Evelyn..." He steps back into the darkness, and I squint to see what he is doing. Then I notice a tall figure standing against a wall. "I would like you to meet someone very dear to me." His voice bounces off the walls, creating a thunderous echo. I'm still squinting as he steps back into the light, dragging the figure by the arm.

The figure stands just outside the light's reach, keeping their head low, and brush their hand through their hair. That movement reminds me of someone...

"Meet my son, Zaine." Jack is smiling brightly, then his face shifts to annoyance and he wraps an arm around Zaine's neck. "Well come on, son, Don't be shy! Why don't you show Our dear Ev who you really are."

Zaine slowly steps into the light, his eyes glued to the floor. I stop squinting and gasp. I instantly begin to quiver, shocked.

"Shon?" I stutter out, and he continues to stare at the floor, avoiding my eyes. "H-how? W-who... Why?" I cry out. I look to Jack in shock and confusion.

He looks at me with amusement. "Oh? It seems you two know each other?" He bursts out into a rage of heartless laughter. "What a coincidence how you're boyfriend turned out to be your worst nightmare's son right!?" He continues to laugh and wipes away fake tears.

He then leans towards me and smirks. "Nah, I'm just kidding! We planned this the whole time!"

My jaw drops, and I freeze up, my gaze trapped in his. I can see the spark of enjoyment bouncing around in his eyes. "You monster."

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