Chapter 10

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Evelyn's POV

A few weeks passed by pretty quickly. I was released from the hospital after a week. During that week, Shon and my parents came to visit. Coincidentally, Shon and my parents visited me on the same day, same time. My mom made a huge deal out of it, giving me funny faces and glances when she stood behind Shon, which was pretty embarrassing.

It took me a while to heal, and I still have some pain when I move too abruptly. Shon was able to recover quickly, as he had less injuries than I did, which he felt really bad about. He would come visit me often when I was still on bed rest, bringing gifts and food, like chocolate and soup. We would hang out in my room, watching movies or just talking about whatever. Somehow, he is the easiest person to talk to.

Braden and I haven't talked much since our fight. I just haven't fully healed from his hurtful words, and I bet he probably hasn't healed from mine.

We still see each other at times, like walking to our classes at our university. I'm glad Emily goes there with us because it sure has been super awkward between Braden and I, and Emily has to often talk to avoid awkward silence.

My phone goes off, and I roll over in my bed, rubbing my eyes and blinking from the sunlight shining through the curtains. I grab my phone, and check the notification. It's a text message from Shon. I sit up and smile, opening the message.

Hey, are you up?

I quickly check the time on my phone. It's 11:24 a.m on a Saturday.

Yeah, I just woke up. I guess I was tired lol. What's up?

I text back, then put my phone down. I head out if my room to my bathroom, and brush my teeth and comb my hair. When I finish, I head back into my room, and check my phone again. There's a message from Shon.

Well, I have a perfectly good box of chocolate that might help wake you up.

I smile and text back.

More chocolate? I swear you're gonna make me fat!

He responds back quickly.

I bet you'd still look good being fat ;)

My face heats up, and I burst out in little giggles I didn't know I could do. My smile is still plastered brightly on my face, and I text back.

Wow, such a charmer

I try.

He texts two times in a row with such speed, it hasn't even been a minute.

So how about it? Can I come over?

I put down my phone and head out to the end of the hallway. I peer out and see my mom sitting at the kitchen counter. I walk over and lean on the counter. She's eating an orange, so I take a piece and pop it in my mouth.

"Well, good morning sweetie," she puts a slice in her mouth, then sips her cup of coffee.

"Good morning Mom." I go over to the cabinet and grab a cup, then pouring some coffee in it. I sip the coffee and sigh in delight. Oh how I love coffee.

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