Chapter 24

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Evelyn's POV

I heave open the large, metallic door, which creaks open from rusted hinges. I wince and narrow my eyes from the sunlight, not used to the brightness after being in the warehouse for God knows how long.

There's a single dirt road in front of me,  otherwise, I'm surrounded by a forest. I consider taking the dirt path, then dart into the forest. I would be too easy a target for Jake if I took the dirt path.

My feet crunch against the crisp leaves and branches on the ground, and I mentally thank myself for choosing to wear sneakers instead of my original thin sandals.

"Little bird!" I hear Jake's calling among the rustling leaves and...

I stop for a moment, listening to my surroundings. Faintly, noises of cars and car horns echo through the forest, and I gasp in relief.

I hear Jake creepily shout my "nickname" and it boils my blood. My legs start to move as I run again desperately faster towards the cars. Towards my freedom.

When I get through these woods, I'll be saved. I'm almost there. The shrubbery is becoming thinner, with larger patches of lights seeping in. I can see streaks of color fly by, and hear the humming of the cars on the highway. I'm almost there.

Then a noise stops me instantly. Fear and guilt creep through my body, churning my stomach, and makes my whole body slightly tremble.

A gunshot.

A cry echoes through the woods, bouncing off each leave and trunk until it pierces my ears, traveling to my chest. Shon.

My trembling legs start to move on their own back towards the warehouse.

The voice in my head stops me again, my heart beating frantically in fear that it could be a trap. Don't go, It's a trick! Turn around and save yourself.

I turn around once again, but this time I'm hesitant to run to the cars. What if Shon is hurt? It would be my fault...

Another gunshot echoes throughout the woods and I make up my mind.

I'm going to save Shon.

I dart through the woods, not caring for the loud rustling of the leaves that I'm brushing against. I don't care if I make noise and Jake finds me. Let him find me.

Breathing heavily, I hear talking and decide to quietly tread through the forest. I can see the dirt path from where I'm walking, and soon enough I can see the large metallic walls of the warehouse. They have to be close by.

And they were. A couple of more steps around a fallen tree trunk and I could see Jake, limping. Was he shot?

Then I see Shon, laying on the ground, trembling in pain.

An old memory plays in my head like a record on its player, the metal tip scratching it trying to make music. But it isn't music I'm hearing in my head. It's the gunshots and me as a little girl, crying and weeping in guilt as I leave my only family behind.

I try to shake away the feeling. I don't have time for it. I have to save him from his monster of a father.

I shuffle around, looking for anything to use as a weapon. My foot hits something hard and I look down; It's a large rock. I clench my jaw and pick it up. It's heavy, but not too much to where I can't lift it up. This will do.

Jake is limping towards Shon, and I take my chance to sneak around until I'm behind him. It will be risky, but I can't exactly throw the rock at Jake in hopes that it will hit him.

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