Chapter 7

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Evelyn's POV

A cool breeze from the foggy morning escapes through the gap in the door as it slams shut. Shivers run down my body, in shock of what happened. Tears continue to form and cool down my hot, angry face. I stand there for a minute, then fall onto the couch, laying there and continue to cry. Did I just lose my best friend? Did I just lose the love of my life? No... Please no... No... No...

I wake up with a sudden jolt as if someone was yelling at me to wake up. I look around, the room a bit darker than it was before, and see hints of red, orange, and pink shining through the window. I pick up my phone to check the time. 5:53 p.m.  I rub my eyes, still sleepy from the afternoon nap.  I rub my eyes, them feeling dry and crusty, and I remember that I was crying. I must've cried myself to sleep.

I look at my messages. There are two notifications. I check the messages and see one from Emily and one from Shon. I sigh. None from Braden.

I open the message from Shon, which reads:

Hey, I had fun last night. Do you maybe want to go out later tonight?
I smile at the message, a hint of pink splashes my cheeks.  I then think about Braden and our whole argument. Was I too hard on him? Should I apologize to him? He's done so much for me...


Three years ago

I'm walking down the hall, a textbook in hand, on the way to my locker. I hear hurried footsteps all around, thinking it must be the freshmen. I hear someone say my name, and I recognize the voice. The one and only, the annoying Dallas Adler. I am not turning around. Just keep walking and ignore him, Ev.

"Hey, Ev! Wait up!" He shouts from down the hall. I pick my step up a notch and hurry to my locker. After a minute of hurrying down the hall, I finally get to my locker. I look down the hall to see Dallas speed walking to get to me. I put in my locker code at the perfect speed, so when I open the locker door, it hits him right in the face. He groans, holding his nose, and I stifle back a laugh, put on a sincere face, and act like I'm sorry. "Oh my gosh, Dallas! I didn't see you there! Are you okay?"

He rubs his nose, and replies in a nasal tone, "yeah I'm okay."

I turn away into my locker and smirk. I put my textbook in my locker, and mess around with other things in my locker room make it look like I'm busy.

"Anyways", he carries out the 's', "I was hoping I could talk with you."

I continue to focus on my locker, and reply, "really? Cause I remember that I have nothing to say to you."

He moves to the other side of my locker, grabs me by the waist, and shoves my locker door closed. He then pushed me up against the locker and uses his arms to block me from moving.

"Aww, c'mon baby. Let me take you out."

I pretend to think about it for a moment, then say," hm, how about... No." He starts to lean closer to me, our faces close to touching. My cheeks burn a little in anger.

"I could take you to a nice place where we can," he moves even closer to my face, his lip in line with my jaw and just under my ear, continuing to say "you know."

I stand there blushing and dumbfounded, and he reached his arm around my back and squeezes my left butt cheek. Gasping, I reach my hand out and slap him on his face. He steps back, holding his face, a red mark the shape of my hand imprinted on his right cheek.

"Don't touch me." My tone is furious.

"You wanna play hard to get huh? I like feisty girls." He reaches for me again, and in a quick blur he is thrown across the lockers, and Braden pins him by the neck, lightly squeezing to strike fear is Dallas's eyes. His fist is aimed right as hit face, ready to hit him.

I grab his arm and start to pull him away. "Braden! Braden, I'm okay! Just stop!" I'm getting anxious, as I turn to see every student in the hallway watching us and a Dean striding down the hall towards the commotion. "Braden c'mon before you get in trouble!"

I look into Braden's eyes, which are concentrated on Dallas's fearful ones, and the look in his eyes is angry and terrifying.

He looks at me for a moment, then turns back to Dallas and says, "the next time you try anything, even so much as a hello, I will kill you." And he releases Dallas, who starts coughing.

"Let's go," Braden says, who wraps his arm around me as we walk away, avoiding the Dean.

After school, we meet under our favorite meeting spot, a large, Willow tree with moss hanging from its branches, providing a cool canopy from the sun. I'm laying there, eyes closed, with earbuds in, listening to Maroon 5. I hear a thump next to me, and Braden lays down, pulls out one of my earbuds, and puts it in his ear. We lay there for a minute, and as the song finishes, I speak. "Hey, thanks for saving me back there."

I turn my head to look at him, Braden looking up at the partly cloudy sky replies, "I should have hurt him. I should have done more."

I sigh, then grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. "No, you shouldn't have. That would have gotten you in so much trouble."

He looks at me straight in the eyes, making my heart skip a beat. Then he says, "protecting you is worth getting in trouble for."

I blush, my face burning. "Yeah? Why is that?"

He looks back at the sky and says something that makes my heart sink.

"because you're like my little sister. What brother would I be if I couldn't protect you?" He smiles, and I return a fake smile, though, on the inside, my heart is shattered.

I pull my hand away slowly, then stand up and reach my hand out to him. "Let's go, I have to get home soon." He grabs my hand and pulls himself up, and I release my hand, Braden falling to the ground on his butt. I burst out laughing, Braden joining in after he gives me a glare. "Okay, okay I'll help you up for real this time," I pull him up, and we walk back to his car.


I sigh at the memory, and my eyes start to well up in tears. I try to hold my tears back because I've cried about him for too long. Its time I give my heart a break from Braden Cooper.

Picking up my phone, I send a text message to Shon.

I would love to go out tonight. How about tonight at 8:30?

He quickly replies back.

Sounds great, I'll pick you up.

Smiling, I send him my reply.

Awesome :) can't wait!

I check my other message, the one from Emily.

Hey girl where are you? You were supposed to be at my house today at 2.

I'm sorry, I forgot. How about I come over tomorrow?

Were you that drunk? lol

I roll my eyes.

Haha very funny.

I'm just joking. Tomorrow will be fine, I don't have any classes.

Okay. See you tomorrow, I'll come by at 3.

K, see you tomorrow!

I put my phone down, then head to my room to get ready for my date.


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